If you haven’t yet heard of the newest craze in social media, then you might want to look into it now before it becomes the next big thing in your feed and on your newsfeed. A Nudekay refers to an image that depicts the profile of someone’s face without showing the eyes, nose, or mouth, leaving only the hair visible. The term was originally coined by an online group of photographers and graphic designers who were creating these images for fun and enjoyment. It has since caught on as an Internet meme but remains popular among celebrities and other high-profile users as well.
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What Is a Nudekay?
A nudekay is an image that depicts a person’s face without showing their eyes, nose, or mouth. Nudekays were first used by social media influencers to portray how their followers saw them. Because of its popularity, many companies and advertisers have started using it as well because they believe it better represents themselves. There are two main types of nudekays, including computer-generated images (CGI) and selfies created with a cell phone camera.
These selfie images can be downloaded from social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook for free. Some people use these images on their social media profiles, while others use them for advertising purposes. Some businesses are even hiring photographers to take professional photos of customers who want a professional photo but don’t want to pay for one.
The purpose behind creating a Nudekay is simple: it allows you to show your personality in an artistic way. It also gives people insight into what you look like without having to post a photo of yourself on your profile which may not represent who you really are at all times.
How Does It Work?
If you’re still unsure about how a nudekay is created, here’s a simple breakdown. Imagine a perfectly circular image with straight lines, representing a circle of light falling on your face from above. Next, draw vertical lines across your image and remove any portion that would create an eye or facial feature (aka where your eyes and mouth are). Finally, drop those circles into an app like Instagram, and you’ve got yourself a nudekay.
The result is far from something you’d post on Facebook—but then again, it’s not exactly vanlife-approved content either. While some people are trying to bring nudekays into everyday use (e.g., using them for passport photos), there’s more potential for these images outside of social media platforms as well. Some brands have already started experimenting with their own versions of nudekays, including fashion label Fendi. Last year, they used a three-dimensional version of a nudekay to promote their new line at Milan Fashion Week.
It’s safe to say that if brands can find value in a new form of photo sharing, consumers will follow suit eventually, too. For now, though, just know that when you see one pop up on your feed, you’ll know what it means…and most importantly…why it exists!

Where Can I Find Them?
You can find nudekays from all kinds of social media, including Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. The best way to discover new nudekays is through search engines like Google and Bing. Just type in a query for terms such as nudekay or nude. They’ll pop up as a featured image for certain searches on these sites.
How Do I Make One?
This will depend entirely on your photo-editing software, but it’s usually pretty simple. In Photoshop, you just need to select an area with a lasso tool and fill it with black (or another color). If you’re using another program, look into its online tutorials or ask someone who knows how to make one. If you don’t have any photo-editing software at all, you could always take a picture of yourself without your face showing and then use that! It may not be as high quality as other nudekays out there, but people will still get what it’s supposed to be about.
Why Use Them?
When we look at a picture on social media, it’s impossible not to take note of whether or not that person is attractive. What if we could make all people equally attractive? We’ve all said I’d date them if they weren’t so fat or She’s really pretty for an older woman. Imagine if everyone was equally as attractive! That is what you get with a nudekay (pronounced noo-dee-kay).
These images are equalizing because they are created by taking random photos of people off of social media and placing them on one image. In doing so, you forget what they look like when they’re naked, and you see them in a different light because each person looks great!
Getting Started
To start using a nudekay, you must first make an account on an online social media site such as Twitter or Facebook. Once you are logged into your account, find a person that is already making use of nudekays and follow them. This will allow you access to their saved images which you can then begin to use for yourself.
There are many different types of nudekays with many styles being used. It is best to find a style that fits your needs and personality before sharing it with others. While some people may find it beneficial to add users who seem interesting and could provide potential connections, later on, it is not required nor encouraged due to privacy concerns.
Creative Ways to Use Them
So what are you waiting for? If you’re eager to get started but don’t know how to check out these creative ways people have been using nudekays – Use them as profile pictures on social media. They can be a great way to show off your new haircut or let everyone know that you’re traveling. You can even use them as your profile picture on dating sites like Tinder and OkCupid.
Make sure you crop out your eyes and mouth, so it looks like an actual nude! This way, no one will think it’s a body double—or worse yet, some creepy stalker photo of yourself. – Use them as profile pictures on social media. They can be a great way to show off your new haircut or let everyone know that you’re traveling. You can even use them as your profile picture on dating sites like Tinder and OkCupid.
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There is no doubt that social media is more than just a fad. It has become a vital part of our daily lives, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. However, despite all its fun features and benefits, we must remember that it is also a forum where people can spread rumors, slander, or try to take advantage of others.
Make sure that you’re careful about what information you share online and with who you are sharing with. Keep in mind that these things may come back to haunt you later on down the road if someone tries to tarnish your reputation for their own benefit. So do your research before posting anything on social media sites; never post something without knowing exactly what will happen next!