When we talk about fashion, we mostly refer to the chic, elegant, or very prim and proper. Something that looks well thought out or professional; something that is straight out of a magazine cover or a ramp. Such fashion trends look extremely gorgeous on models, but you often wonder where you can wear these clothes. And most importantly, whether they will suit you or not. Oftentimes, the answer is no. Our daily wear is usually quite different from what we see in fashion shows or magazines.
Noctex is one fashion brand that focuses on everyday wear but with a trendy twist. Negin Izad, the brains behind Noctex, started designing her own clothes at a young age. She was only 14 when she visited her aunt in Iran, who was a dressmaker, and that changed her life. That summer, Negin spent learning how to make patterns and mixing them with her love for metal and punk. In short, she got involved in upgrading her everyday clothes and creating something unique out of them. “I think a lot of people love fashion because of the outward effect it has or maybe because of the glamour but I have always loved how clothes can make you feel. Fabrics, cuts, and little embellishments that others might not notice, like hidden thumbholes, can add a level of comfort and utility to your day,” Negin Izad shared.
Noctex is basically a combination of ‘nocturnal textile’, using past resources in functional and unique designs. With over 90 percent of their material coming from deadstock textiles, they aim to connect individuals with socially and environmentally responsible designs. This idea led to the functionality of making clothes that are comfortable, sustainable, having timeless detail. The brand revolves around peoples’ daily lives and not events or special occasions.
The concept is to make sustainable clothes that oppose the theory of fast fashion. In layman’s terms, the outfits will last for many years. This is one of the reasons they haven’t ventured into celebrity designs to date, as Negin wants her clothes to be worn and loved, not styled and thrown away.
The brand has everything from tops and dresses to denim, patches, stickers, boots, cruelty-free cosmetics, nail polish, jewelry, and accessories as well. They also plan to add more home goods in the future to really round off all lifestyle aspects for their customers. Currently, the brand operates in Canada and the USA, while it ships to almost every country globally. “Selling online was fairly limited in 2011 and to see where it has gotten already is amazing. I see the potential for even more independent designers and artists becoming a reality. I also see a lot of potential with more sustainable work, reworked items, vintage and used markets. Upcycling is extremely important, and our generation needs to get the ball rolling,” Negin expressed.
The brand has grown as a company and is in a constant upward motion with an increase in revenues year on year, but for Noctex, real success is the relationships that the brand has formed with its customers, employees, and contractors.
The beauty of the brand lies in its honesty, its originality, and its purity. This is not some corporation started by a bunch of men in suits or millionaires to target a niche. Noctex was born out of passion. It is something Negin genuinely loves. She has never put this business and potential profit over real people. Over the years, she has turned down a lot of offers so she can keep Noctex running and relate to its clients. This is why her customers keep coming back to her and recommend her designs to others as well. She has given her business the same morals and values that are her identity and has always taken complete responsibility for every decision.
It is because of the brand’s focus on the masses, their interest in styling a common man, forming connections, and helping people look smart and trendy in their day-to-day lives that Noctex has become one of the most sought-after casual wear brands in recent years. The brand’s honesty, determination, and passion have further helped the brand grow and make a name for itself, not just in peoples’ wardrobes but also in their hearts.