When it comes to unique art, Sylvia Rossouw is one of the best to do it. We interviewed the architectural genius to learn more about her journey…
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So Sylvia, where are you from? What’s your story?
Sylvia Rossouw: I was born in Cape Town South Africa, during the 1970’s. My story is not unique. I came from a country with an extremely traumatic political past, but is continuously able to rise, from strength to strength.The collective energy is one of dreams, hope and an absolute belief for positive change. On a personal level, I believe ANYTHING is possible.
When and why did you become an artist/painter?
Sylvia Rossouw: My first experience with paint was during my first day at preschool. I was amazed by the neatly arranged containers with paint, water and brushes. The system of painting immediately grabbed me, as a means of endless possibilities; to connect the imaginary world to the physical world. I fell in love with paint on that day and have been making art ever since.
Who has had the most influence on you as an artist?
Sylvia Rossouw: This is not an easy question. There has been so many. Artists that influence me in so many diverse ways, from painting to installation and video work. If I must pick one, I would say artist, Agnes Denes. She has been involved in climate change issues for the last 50 years. Her work is an inspiration in its extraordinary vision, spot on positioning and seemingly effortless, large scale execution.
Talk me through your creative process.What goes into making the perfect art?
Sylvia Rossouw: I make art intuitively. I select the materials to be used, as the need arises. I often use found /discarded surfaces and objects for their inherent memory. It is then just a case of synergy. The work unfolds in the making-process. Research, ideas and concepts take place outside the place of making. I often ponder on an idea for years, before it reveals itself in the work. I don’t believe in perfect art. The work is what it is in the moment. Only time will tell if it connects to the viewer and has a voice or not. .
What advice would you give to aspiring painters looking to make a name for themselves in the art industry?
Sylvia Rossouw: Stay true to your heart, as tough as it may be. You know the way, even when you cannot see it.
What is the name of your most recent architectural creation, and what inspired it?
Sylvia Rossouw: House Fritz, is a recently completed project at Oubaai Golf Estate, Western Cape South Africa. I love the way the house sits in, rather than on,the water’s edge. The house designis inspired by the movement of natural light. We approached the external facades as two-dimensional painterly planes within the landscape, instead of three dimensional form. The resultant effect is very quiet and moody, within the landscape.
What are your thoughts on the current state of art? Do you prefer traditional styles or are you more of an innovator?
Sylvia Rossouw: The current state of art is one of transformation. This is the time to be innovative. Whatever you dream can be realised.
When all is said and done, what do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?
Sylvia Rossouw: In the end it is just the energy of love that remains. I am doing my best to use every inch of talent, creativity and collaboration to reach as many people as possible, with the message of ART for CHANGE. It is a message of love to the world.
On Sylvia Rossouw’s website, you can check out her latest works.