Many women think they have to choose between having a family and a career. But in reality, those things can be completely compatible. As long as you plan ahead, you should be able to do both without sacrificing your family or your job.
Identifying your priorities is the first step to making motherhood and career work together. You can only expect to reach all of your goals if you know what they are in the first place! If your top priority is being with your kids, consider taking on a job that allows for more flexibility than others—like working from home or taking on part-time work that allows you more time off during the day (or week).
Is being at home full-time with your kids your top priority instead? That’s okay too! Make sure you’re still setting aside time for yourself—for example, by doing errands during nap times or scheduling exercise classes into your week so that they don’t interfere with appointments or play dates with friends.
Another important thing to remember when considering a balance between motherhood and career is how much time you have to devote to each. If you’re taking on a full-time job, remember that this means more hours at work—not just during the day, but also during evenings and weekends.
Make sure you can set aside time for your family even when you’re working, whether by setting up childcare or asking friends or family members for help with errands and other household tasks.
While having kids means making sacrifices, you can make those sacrifices more enjoyable by planning ahead. One great way to do this is to prep your kids’ lunches such as chicken nuggets and apple slices. Not only will they be healthier and more filling, but they’ll also represent the type of lunch every kid should have: one in which their gastronomic preferences are considered, encouraging them to try new foods and make healthy food choices for the long term.
Making lunches is a great way to spend quality time with your kids. You can talk about what’s going on in their lives, how their day at school went, and so on. It’s also a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about your kids’ likes and dislikes—information that can be used when planning future meals or deciding whether certain foods are worth trying again.
In addition to scheduling time for work and family, it’s also important to schedule time for yourself. It can be tempting to devote every waking moment of your life to your children, but this is not healthy for either of you. Make sure you’re taking breaks from motherhood throughout the day—even if it’s just for a few minutes here or there.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by motherhood, it’s important to seek help. Talk to your partner about what he can do around the house so that you don’t have to take on everything yourself. If this doesn’t solve your problem, consider hiring a babysitter or nanny—even if just for one night a week or weekend.
You should also get out of the house and do something that makes you happy. The more stressed and overwhelmed you feel, the harder it will be to take care of your family. So make sure that you’re taking time for yourself when you need it.
Finding a balance between motherhood and career is doable; it just might take time. The key factors that play into finding this balance are realizing what works for you, what doesn’t, and which goals you want to shoot for and then creating a plan that encompasses all these things.
The most important thing is to remember that you are not alone. There are so many other moms out there who are feeling the same way. It’s easy to feel like the only one struggling to balance motherhood and career, but it’s not true—you can do this!