Floatation therapies which involve a person being placed in a salt water filled tank or floatation pod as they are known as has actually been proven to have a lot of various benefits for a variety of ailments. The therapy that limits our sensory reach actually works wonders on our biological mechanisms involving our natural internal bio-chemistry. The concept of floatation therapy revolves around the entire spectrum of the human sensory apparatus which keeps the brain occupied for significant amount of time in any given day. The brain uses our sensory apparatus to scan the environment that we are present in constantly which is due to our instincts to survive which is linked to our fight or flight response mechanism. The concept behind the development of floatation tank therapy actually began back in the 60s during the psychedelic era, and in the early stages of the concept the idea was not only undermined but also ridiculed for the most part. This was to remain so right up to the point that empirical evidence started popping up as its effectiveness began to become noticeable over decades.
By the 70s, the amount of empirical evidence started to pile up mainly revolving around the fact that subjects who indulge in the therapy are generally in better moods, have better autoimmune systems, are able to heal faster and higher have a greater ability to focus and solve problems despite their hectic schedules. This evidence triggered a series of medical practitioners and professionals interested in non-invasive holistic treatments who realised that floatation therapy was in fact an effective method to treat incessant health issues to probe further. Among the first health issues that were identified included chronic headaches, discomforts due to PMS, and backbone related problems. Sports professionals also found that the recovery period for injuries sustained from sporting activities healed much more rapidly. By the 80s and 90s, the benefits of floatation therapy were also applied arthritis, gout, anxiety and depression. Floatation therapy was found to be an effective treatment from an auxiliary perspective that limited the impact of the above mentioned ailments without having to introduce drugs or any other form of surgery that are deemed as ‘invasive’.
At the turn of this century, most top rated medical facilities injected floatation therapy as part of their auxiliary medical treatment constructs as a method to that help patients recover faster. The effectiveness of floatation therapies was reported in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine which positively linked ‘deep relaxation’ that relieves the mind from sensory apparatus (sight, sound, heat, smell and gravity) to better health. The report indicated that the therapy unloads the mind from coping with external stimuli and enables the brain to stop focusing on external stimuli and refocus on ‘inward healing’. This balances our biological chemical balance which enhances our autoimmune system. The Epsom salt used in the solution which contains magnesium seeps through the skin and enters our system, replenishing magnesium which is critical to neural transmitter functions.