Are you a Mac user? If you are, odds are you appreciate all the great things that Apple products do right. Fast and durable systems and a beautiful aesthetic design are some of the many things that Mac users get to enjoy.
However, no product is perfect, and Macs can suffer from different issues as well. One of the common Mac problems is slowdowns, and in some extreme cases, freezing.
Is your Mac freezing? If it is, keep reading for a guide that’ll help you figure out why it’s freezing, then put a stop to it.
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You Have Too Many Apps Running
Most modern Macs are capable of handling demanding programs and applications. However, if you have several resource-hogging processes running at the same time, it can lead to slowdowns.
To see the amount of processing power your different apps use, press Command + Space to open Spotlight, then type “Activity Monitor”. If you have multiple programs using high amounts of CPU, it can cause your computer to freeze up.
You should also be aware of how many tabs you have open when you’re browsing the web. A few tabs open should be fine, but having too many open can also cause your computer to struggle to render them all. This can also be the cause of your computer’s freezes.
You’re Out of Disk Space
Your Mac only has so much hard drive space. When you get close to that limit, your computer will start to experience slowdowns. In extreme cases, it can cause your system to freeze up.
Look around on your hard drive for any files you can get rid of. The average user has many files that they haven’t opened in a long time and should delete. You can also uninstall any applications that you don’t often use.
If you don’t feel like parting with any of your files, you can look for different places to transfer them. Consider purchasing an external hard drive, which will allow you to store gigabytes or terabytes worth of data. You can also upload your documents, photos, and files to iCloud.
You’re Behind on Software Updates
It might seem harmless to put off updating your Mac’s software, but doing so for too long can lead to different problems, one of which is slowdowns and freezes. Make a point to install an update the next time you get a notification for one.
Apple releases software updates on a regular basis. Aside from fun new features, these updates also contain crucial things, such as security enhancements and bug fixes. When you ignore these updates, it does nothing to solve any problems that past software versions had.
Have you recently downloaded MacOs Big Sur? If you did, you’ll want to check out this guide to help you resolve any MacOS Big Sur issues that you may have.
Your Mac Is Overheating
Are you someone who uses your Mac to run intensive programs? Are your a graphic designer or someone who enjoys playing the latest video games? If you are, you may be causing your Mac to overheat.
When you run intensive programs, your Mac may need to turn on additional fans to help it cool off. In most cases, this should help it get down to a good temperature. However, when you put your computer on your lap or a surface such as your bed, you can cover the air vents, trapping any hot air inside.
Overheating is one of the most common Mac problems. Make sure to work on a desk so as to not block your computer’s vents. You should also make sure to give your Mac a break now and then. A quick restart can do wonders to help it cool off.
You Have a Virus
There’s a misconception out there that Mac users can’t get viruses. We’re here to tell you that’s not true. In fact, a 2020 report found that Mac users now face more malware threats than PC users.
Once you have malware on your computer, it can do many things to make your life more difficult. This can range from causing pop-ups and advertisements to open, to locking certain files and forcing you to pay ransom for them. It can also cause major slowdowns and freezes.
If you don’t have a good antivirus program, it’s time to get one. There are many free options to choose from, and all of them can help eliminate any malware your system may have. Download one, scan your computer for viruses and see if that doesn’t speed things up.
Your Desktop Is Too Cluttered
There are two types of people in the world: those who have three things on their Desktop, and those who have 5,000 things. However, aside from looking messy, a cluttered Desktop can cause your computer to experience slowdowns.
Your computer has to spend processing power to render each image and file on your Desktop. This means that if your screen is full of files and photos, it can cause minor slowdowns. These technical glitches can exacerbate other problems, leading to freezes.
If you do have a cluttered Desktop, try organizing your files into different folders. Aside from helping you with any productivity issues that you may be having, it may also help prevent your Mac from freezing.
Is Your Mac Freezing? This Guide Should Help
Macs are solid and well-built computers, but that doesn’t mean that they’re immune to technical problems. If Mac freezing issues have plagued your computer experience, this guide should help you identify the cause and resolve it.
Did this guide fix any of your Mac problems? Before you go, take a moment to check out some of our other blog posts for more guides and tips.