This year 2020 has been a poor year for most people. You’re constantly bombarded with the COVID Pandemic, the poor economy, and country that seem divided over politics. It feels like nothing is going right. However, this might be a good time to reflect on your life and your career to see if you are happy where you are at. If you are not on the path you want to be, it might be time to change things up.
I would like to introduce myself; my name is Mike and I own a company called Local Dudes Marketing. I am looking to help people out that are looking to change careers into the digital marketing industry. Yes, changing careers can be a scary thought, but digital marketing is a growing industry. COVID has proven that businesses need to not only be online but marketing but actively marketing and branding their business.
Well, I am not offering you a job but the opportunity to learn from an expert in the digital marketing field. You ask what makes me qualified to teach? Well, I have been in this industry for over 16 years and have helped multiple businesses make through internet marketing. I’ve heard all the myths and fads on how to brand your business and increase sales.
Do I have a degree in education to teach no, but as mentioned above I have the work experience and have done enough testing to know what works and what doesn’t within this industry? I will take the time and give three lucky people the opportunity to learn about SEO marketing from me for free. This is not some online course but real live consulting that I typically charge for. The reason I am offering this is simple, I want to give back and me helping someone learn a new skill set that can provide them with a decent paying job down the road is a good start.
You ask how can SEO help me make money? Well, it can help in multiple ways you can get a job in the industry, start your own business, and marketing your goods and services online, do freelance work on the side. The opportunities are there if you will take the time and dedicate yourself to learning something new.
I will go over SEO marketing basics to some advanced topics. In addition, I will discuss what tools I use that help provide data and analytic information on keywords and potential competitors within an industry. Search engine optimization might seem scary, but once you learn the core fundamentals, it becomes a repetitive process.
Now if I have your attention and learning SEO interests you, then I ask you to follow Local Dudes Marketing on Facebook and write me an email explaining why I should pick you. I will choose the three best responses I receive. I will notify the lucky three that are picked on November 1st. Email inquiries to [email protected]. Please do not spam me. Anyone that can’t follow directions will be automatically disqualified from the selection. I wish you all well and hope to get a positive response from this.