This is one question every youngster is asking nowadays. With Christmas and the festive season arriving, many people will engage in more than usual drinking habits. This means that there will be a lot more cases of a hangover as well. It has been observed that alcohol consumption tends to increase by 40% in December.
The reason alcohol causes a hangover is that alcohol acts as a diuretic. A diuretic is a product that increases urine production. Increased urine production leads to dehydration in the body. Dehydration, in turn, can cause headaches, dry mouth, irritability and reduced concentration levels.
Another severe problem of dehydration is that the blood sugar levels drop. To combat the effects of the high sugar content in alcohol, the body produces an excess amount of insulin. The extra amount of insulin leads to a drop in sugar levels. This leads to increased hunger and headaches.
When alcohol reaches the stomach, it irritates the stomach lining. It also mixes with stomach acid and causes vomiting. These symptoms are enough to keep you awake the whole night and cause exhaustion for the whole of the next day.
The first couple of drinks is quickly taken care of by the liver. But after a few drinks, the liver feels overwhelmed and cannot rid itself of the alcohol, a toxin. Thus, alcohol travels into the bloodstream and makes its way to the brain. That is how you start feeling drunk.
The effects of your hangover will depend on the volume of alcohol consumed by you, whether you had mixed drinks, whether you ate before you drank alcohol and how hydrated you kept yourself when you were drinking.
If you are suffering from a hangover, there are products available in the market that can combat the hangover effects in the fastest manner possible. These are the rehydration powders. A rehydration powder works to bring back the electrolyte balance in the blood. The primary outcome of alcohol is the loss of electrolytes which needs dehydration. Therefore, when the electrolytes are replenished, the hydration status is achieved, and the symptoms of a hangover are reduced.
Some people choose to go for fruit drinks and energy drinks to combat the effects of a hangover. However, opting for beverages with sugar is not the option. Your body does not need sugar when suffering from a hangover. It needs electrolytes that are not available in large quantities in the case of fruit and energy drinks.
Lack of electrolytes in severe cases can even lead to the death of a person. Therefore, hangovers should not be taken lightly, and you must use a hydration powder if you are suffering from the effects of a hangover. Drinking water is another thing you should not do, especially without a hydration powder. Only water does not contain the electrolytes that your body needs. Therefore, always mix it with a hydration electrolyte powder and drink for maximum effect.