Women usually produce a variety of hormones throughout their reproductive age. However, certain hormonal conditions can develop, hindering a woman’s fertility. One of the most common hormonal concerns is Garden City PCOS. This hormonal disorder causes the ovaries to create numerous follicles and small collections of fluid without releasing the eggs via menstruation.
Some polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms are infrequent menstruation and excess androgen levels. Many women with PCOS experience fertility problems, which is why most seek treatment.
How can a patient know that they have polycystic ovary syndrome?
It is not enough to recognize reproductive concerns and seek treatment. Patients should receive an accurate diagnosis that influences the treatment plan they will undergo to restore optimal reproductive status.
PCOS is a condition that can present symptoms the first time a patient receives their menstrual period. However, some patients develop the disease later in life due to a sedentary lifestyle that may have led to substantial weight gain.
It would be best for patients to stay aware of their reproductive health to detect any concerns indicating PCOS and thus begin early intervention to preserve and retire reproductive health. Your primary care provider will make confirm a PCOS diagnosis if you have at least two of the following symptoms:
- Irregular periods: Patients with PCOS have irregular periods because the ovaries cannot release mature eggs from the follicles every month. As a result, patients have fewer than nine menstrual flows in a year. A menstrual cycle can last 35 days, and the flow is usually heavy.
- Excess androgens: Androgens are male hormones. Women with excess androgen develop hirsutism and excess facial and body hair. Acne is also a common sign of PCOS.
- Polycystic ovaries: This condition involves ovary enlargement due to accumulated follicles, thus hindering mature egg release.
When should you see a doctor?
It would help if you had emergency care to detect any reproductive concerns like infrequent and prolonged menstruation. Patients should seek early intervention for any symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome to manage their condition for fertility restoration. Please do not undergo treatment without consulting with a reproductive specialist whose assistance will enhance treatment outcomes.
What causes polycystic ovary syndrome?
There is no known cause of polycystic ovary syndrome. However, risk factors increase a woman’s likelihood of developing the disease. For example:
- Excess insulin: Patients with type 2 diabetes develop insulin resistance, causing an accumulation of the hormone in the blood. Excess insulin causes androgen levels to increase, thus leading to ovulation complications.
- Low-grade inflammation: This complication develops from excess androgen production leading to cardiovascular complications.
- Heredity: A positive family history of PCOS predisposes a woman to the condition.
- Excess androgen: This risk factor presents as acne and hirsutism
The best way to receive appropriate treatment and management for your PCOS is to determine your concern’s underlying cause accurately. It would be best to seek medical intervention immediately if you detect reproductive problems to manage your condition and prevent adversities. Contact Women’s Healthcare Of Garden City to schedule a consultation for your PCOS and begin treatment to restore your fertility.