You’re considering self-publishing on Amazon? Start here first.
In the United States, there were nearly 3 million books printed in English in 2015. With so many books published every year, it can be overwhelming to get your work through the publishing process.
But the real question is, is Amazon self-publishing still work considering?
For those looking for the best, check out this comprehensive guide on why Amazon self-publishing is still worth considering.
Read on to learn more.
Table of Contents
Amazon Self-Publishing Means Your Book Will Not Be in Bookstores
If you use Amazon self-publishing, it means your book will not be in traditional bookstores. Though by its own right, Amazon is a massive, virtual bookstore and reaches a vast audience.
It is possible large corporations may pick up your book, such as Walmart. If you have a good relationship with your local bookstore, they may sell some copies of your work as well.
Check out this article for more information on self-publishing.
Amazon Self-Publishing Is One of the Biggest Publishers
Amazon self-publishing is one of the biggest publishers of all time, right up there with Random-Penguin. If you’re looking for that big publishing company feel, Amazon may be right for you.
Amazon Self-Publishing Has User Friendly Sales Data and Royalty Statements
Is Amazon self-publishing profitable? It absolutely is, as they provide user friendly sales data as well as royalty statements. Should you choose to self-publish through Amazon, you receive daily sales data from the author central portal.
It is an excellent tool to track what is and isn’t working in your advertising process. Amazon also has royalty statements that are easy to understand. You receive your royalty every month, unlike the traditional every six months.
Amazon Self-Publishing Means Your Book Will Not Be on Bestseller Lists
Amazon self-publishing means your book will not be on traditional bestseller lists. Many traditional bestseller lists like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are not compatible with Amazon, however there is a push for this to change.
Amazon Self-Publishing Is Highly Accessible
Amazon self-publishing is highly accessible. Since it is an online entity, your book will be sold virtually everywhere in the world. If your book makes it big, users who have a Kindle will likely get advertisements for your work on their device.
If your book does well, they will automatically advertise your work and you will get free promotions on their website as well as big search engine sites like Google.
Amazon Self-Publishing
Amazon self-publishing options are being adopted every day by Internet entrepreneurs and are vital in the success of your new writing project. There are pros and cons to Amazon self publishing and ultimately you must decide if it’s the right choice for you.
What are you waiting for? Your self-published work awaits!
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