The indoor sanitization system is a guaranteed system that protects you or your employees against SARS-CoV-2 and other bacteria. The machine is ideal for medical offices, sports centers, schools, and workplaces. The pandemic has hit the everyone hard, and virtually everything in the world was almost at a standstill. Preventing the widespread of the virus has always been the number one priority.
That can be done via proper sanitization. That is why Steriline manufactures an indoor sanitization system. Steriline is an Italian company that majors in aseptic processing. The company manufactures useful machinery for pharmaceutical uses. It specializes in collaborative partnership and advanced engineering to give customers quality machines. Since its formation back in 1989, Steriline has been working hard to give the customers distinct and durable solutions in the pharmaceutical industry.
The company aims at addressing the ever-growing demand for consistent quality and improved efficiency in the entire sector. Customers have also asked for enhanced safety when using the machines, which is also a priority.
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Key Features of Indoor Sanitization System
- The machine is relatively fast and very effective. This generator vaporizes and spreads Hydrogen peroxide to the environment around. This compound guarantees that the area is properly sanitized. There is a first phase where the machine eliminates viruses and bacteria by decontaminating the surfaces, and then the second phase entails getting rid of the Hydrogen peroxide. That is made possible through a catalyst.
- Sustainable for the personnel and environment. The machine is okay for use by humans and also very environmentally friendly. That is because the Hydrogen peroxide sprayed is later eliminated in a second phase.
- Remotely controllable and automated. The indoor sanitization system is completely automated and can be controlled from a far-off place. Most organizations love sanitizing the workplace at night when there are no activities and no one is around. You can control the machine from home and ensure it cleans the entire area, ready for tomorrow’s activities.
Benefits of Sanitizing the Work Environment
Do not confuse sanitizing with cleaning. Mopping, sweeping, wiping dirt, and dusting are all parts of cleaning, but they do not kill any germs. On the other hand, sanitizing kills germs reduces the virus growth rate, and kills harmful bacteria. That is not to mean that you should not clean but remember to sanitize using the indoor sanitization system from Steriline.
Their machine does not sanitize only a specific type of bacteria and virus but almost all the bacteria. This system will reduce microbiological contamination, whether in schools, businesses, shopping malls, daycares, work environments, and gymnasiums. From the machine, you are sure to always have a clean and healthy environment.
Depyrogenation Tunnel ST
For all your production requirements, Steriline has all the depyrogenation tunnels you may require. These are the tunnels used to sterilize glass containers in pharmaceutical filling lines before these glass containers are aseptically filled. The tunnels use unidirectional hot air, usually at high temperatures around 350 degrees Celsius, to depyrogenate and sterilize cartridges, ampoules, and glass vials.
The depyrogenation tunnel was created to ensure smooth and easy transition during vial preparation to the tunnel from the washer. It works in a straightforward mechanism. The tunnel puts the glass vials on the stainless-steel belt and passes the vials via preheat, hot and cool zones. The vials are then subjected to HEPA filtered air in every zone, which prepares them for filling.
This unique system controls and monitors the differential pressures to make sure the tunnel is operating correctly. It also ensures the interface of the depyrogenation tunnel to the fill area and wash room also functions properly.
Top Features
- Several production capabilities for aseptic processing. This tunnel can work with vials, cartridges, and even ampoules.
- These tunnels are designed to depyrogenate and sterilize glass containers in a steady process. They aim to maintain an ISO5 environment in the three chambers involved, including the hot chamber, inlet chamber, and the cooling chamber.
- The depyrogenation tunnels have a thermal cycle that is made to make sure the pyrogen is reduced by 3 or 6 logs at the very minimum.
- There is an automatic airspeed acclimation. You can adjust the air speeds for the depyrogenation tunnel and improve its productivity.
- The other fantastic feature is the cooling chamber sterilization. The glass containers are sterilized in the cooling chamber.
Technically depyrogenation is the removal of endotoxins from glass containers. It also removes pyrogen, which makes it different from sterilization, which is just the removal of microorganisms. All these are pathogens that should be removed from the glass containers before they are used to store pharmaceutical products.
Steriline also has robotics to make the aseptic processing less complex. These robots can be controlled remotely from another place and they are much more efficient than manpower. Some of the efficient robotics by Steriline include robotic vial filling machine, robotic external decontamination machine and robotic tray loader among others.
Steriline has several products for pharmaceutical companies. The company produces machines that are effective in cleaning and depyrogenating glass containers. Some of the most useful devices include the indoor sanitization system and the depyrogenation tunnel. The indoor sanitization system is crucial for sanitizing the workplace and the environments at schools, gymnasium, etc. The depyrogenation tunnels are useful in removing pyrogen from glass containers before they are used.