If you drive a car on a temporary basis, be it your own or a borrowed car, you will need to be insured because driving a car without insurance is illegal. It would also provide coverage against any financial loss that you might face due to an accident, theft, or any other situation that you might face. Auto car Insurance policies are quite expensive for a car that you only drive for some days, so in such cases, temporary insurance policies are a good option.
Temporary or 7-day car insurance policies are not easily available as most companies in the USA do not offer policies for the short term. Most companies offer a minimum of 6 months or 1-year policy. You might find some quotes online but be careful because they might charge high prices or when you call them they would say that the minimum term is 6 months. Before selecting an insurance company, compare various quotes and call different advisors to make a proper decision.
Under what conditions do you need temporary or 7-day car Insurance?
You might need temporary or weekly car insurance in the USA for various reasons but most companies do not provide insurance coverage for such short-term and even if they do, you might have to pay a huge amount. So, do proper research to find the company that provides the cheapest 7-day car insurance and proper coverage.
- If you drive a car for some days: If you own a car that you drive only for some days or some parts of the year like taking a car only during road trips or if you own a classic car that you only drive for some days then temporary car insurance is a good option for you. It would save you the monthly premiums you would have to pay for a car that you only use sometimes.
- When you have just bought a car: If you have just bought a car and are looking for an insurance company for long-term auto insurance, but you still want to drive around in your new car, a 7 day car Insurance policy might be a good option for you. Driving a car without insurance in the USA is punishable and could lead to jail time or heavy fines, in such cases consider getting the cheapest 7-day car insurance to cover you until you decide on a company to get your auto insurance from.
- When you occasionally borrow a car: If you are a babysitter, nanny, or a friend who sometimes needs to borrow a car to drive around, or you want to purchase a new car and have rented a car for some time then a temporary car insurance policy is a good option.
- When you go to a foreign country: When you visit a foreign country for a business trip or other personal reasons, and want to rent a car to drive or, weekly car insurance can be a cheaper option as compared to the insurance the rental company is offering. If you want to bring your car with you then also a temporary car insurance policy will cover you.
- When you want to sell a car: When you want to sell your car and have canceled your auto insurance policy but still want coverage for test driving, a weekly car insurance policy in the USA is an option to consider if you stay in the USA.
Alias Insurance Company offers the cheapest 7-day car insurance policies and other auto insurance policies at cheap rates and huge discounts as compared to other insurance companies in the market. Being one of the leading insurance companies, it provides the best coverage to its policyholders and customers.