The Christmas season is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s so beautiful and full of tradition, but also fancy things like Christmas trees, lights, and decorations. I love decorating my house with all sorts of festive things like garlands and ornaments which are perfect for hanging from your tree during this time of year! So what better way to celebrate than by bringing out those Squishmallows that you’ve been keeping hidden away until now?
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Use Christmas Squishmallows with Other Ornaments
If you’re like me and want to add a little Christmas cheer to your Squishmallows, consider using a Christmas Squishmallows Tree as an ornament to decorate your home. Ornaments are cheap and easy to get, so there’s no reason not to go for them! You can find any shape or size of Christmas ornament and Christmas Squishmallows that suits your taste in just about any store—or if you don’t want the hassle of looking for something specific online, most malls have a little section where they sell all kinds of different things (like jewelry and Squishmallows).
If this sounds like something that would work well with your Squishmallows, then go ahead and buy one right now!
Have You Ever Tried Using A Stocking?
A stocking is a great way to store your Christmas Squishmallows. They are made of fabric and have openings at the top, so they can easily be filled with gifts. You can use them as containers for your Squishmallows or hang them on the wall as decorations.
Having a Christmas-Themed Box
Your Squishmallow is a Christmas-themed toy, so it’s only natural that you would want to enjoy them around the holidays. If you’re like me, then your family and friends will love seeing this squishy on their desk or coffee table during the holidays. It’s also a great way of showing off your personal style!
- Christmas wrapping paper– Use this wrapping paper as the perfect background for your Squishmallow! The colors will match perfectly with those on your gift box so everyone can see how awesomely festive they are by just looking at it alone.
- Tinsel garland – This classic decoration gives off an old-fashioned feel while still being modern enough not to look out of place in our modern world today (and tomorrow).
Use Christmas Lights Glow
A great way for Christmas Decoration Idea is to use your Christmas Squishmallows by using Christmas lights with them. You can use a package of them, or you can go down the more DIY route and use some string and ribbon (or even twine) to make it festive!
If you want something more permanent, however, there are lots of ways that you could store them while still making sure they stay looking nice:
- Use small boxes or bags with lids
- Store them in boxes lined with tissue paper
Put Them Under Your Christmas Tree!
To use your Christmas Squishmallows, you can use a Christmas tree. Make sure that the tree is off before storing them in an ornament. You can wrap up all of your Christmas Squishmallows with holiday wrapping paper and then place them under any part of your tree. If you want to add some extra sparkle to your Squishmallows, use Christmas lights so they will shine when you pull them out every year!
If you don’t want to spend too much money on decorations for your home this year (and who does?), try storing and using some of these Squishmallows under mittens while they’re not being used!
Store Your Squishmallows in Your Warm Mittens
Once you’ve finished squishing your Squishmallows, it’s time to store them! We recommend keeping them in a mitten while they’re not being used. This way, the kids can’t accidentally eat one and then get sick later on. It also prevents pets from harassing the candy by pawing at it or trying to steal it back from you.
If you don’t have any Christmas-themed storage boxes lying around, why not use something like an old glove box? It’ll keep your squishy goodness safe from prying eyes and hands (both human and otherwise). Make sure that whatever container you choose is small enough so that only one handful at a time can fit inside without any space leftover after its contents have been consumed—this will prevent wasting too much candy at once!
Finally, wrap each handful individually with holiday wrapping paper before placing them inside their respective containers for future enjoyment!
How to Clean a Dirty Squishmallow?
Axolotl Squishmallows are fun, sweet toys for all ages. They’re easy to make and can be enjoyed any time of year. But if you’ve been storing your Squishmallows in a damp place, they may start to grow mold. Luckily, cleaning your Squishmallows is quite easy!
Wash With Sudsy Water
To clean your Squishmallow, you’ll need to use the same type of soap that your baby uses. The best way to do this is by using Luke-warm water with a gentle soap. If you’re unable to find a soap made for babies, then try using one made for adults instead.
Next, wash the toy with sudsy water—not hot or bleach-based cleaners! Hot temperatures will damage delicate materials like felt and Spandex while bleach can discolor them over time (and also smells pretty bad). Finally, take care not to soak anything overnight because this can damage the fibers too much; just give yourself enough time so that everything gets cleaned thoroughly before storing away again!
Add a Little Fabric Softener to Help Loosen the Dirt
To soften the wash water, add a little fabric softener to help loosen dirt. You don’t want to use too much because it can make your Squishmallow really sticky, but if you do find that your Squishmallow is getting too dirty for its own good, try using some fabric softener in the wash water.
It’s easy to overdo it with detergent and water when cleaning your Squishmallow—and we know that most people will do just that! So here’s how not to get caught up in this trap: Don’t use too much detergent (or any other cleaning product) at once; instead of putting in more than one tablespoon of detergent per cup of warm water (or cold), start by adding only one tablespoon per cup and add more as needed until you’ve cleaned everything off easily without leaving behind any residue behind after rinsing off all traces of soap residue left behind from other cleaners used earlier on top of what we’re talking about now…
Use a Clean Toothbrush or Sponge for Scrubbing
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to scrub the dirty parts of your Squishmallow. Make sure that you don’t use a brush that is abrasive, as this will damage the material of your toy and cause it to become less effective in cleaning.
To clean the sticky areas, use an old sponge or cloth towel to wipe away any excess water or suds left behind when cleaning with water and soap.
Rinse Well and Hang To Dry
Now that you’ve washed your Squishmallow, it’s time to dry it. You can use a towel or paper towels if you want, but I would recommend using something that won’t leave any lint behind.
You’ll want to make sure the Squishmallow is completely dry before storing it so that mold doesn’t begin to grow on it (which could ruin your entire experience). To do this, I recommend hanging the once-washed Squishmallow by its handle in front of an open window overnight while keeping track of how long they’ve been drying by looking at their color and texture every few hours. You should check again in about 24 hours—if they haven’t dried enough yet (and there shouldn’t be any redness or yellowing), continue hanging them up until they are completely dry before returning them back to their container!
And there you have it! Now you know how to clean your Squishmallow and keep it squeaky clean. Remember that if the pad touches anything wet or dirty, like carpet, wipe it off immediately before using it again. You don’t want germs getting into your body!