When writing an article argumentative essay, you must follow the proper structure. For example, you’ll need to follow an Introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Additionally, your article will need text citations. If you’re unsure how to structure your essay, here’s a quick overview:
Table of Contents
Introductory paragraph
An introduction to an article is a great place to introduce the topic and establish a general direction for the essay writing service. However, it should not be a description of the argument or offer any analysis. Instead, an introduction should introduce the point and state the evidence supporting it. It should also serve as a road map for the rest of the article.
In an argumentative essay, the writer takes a side and tries to persuade the reader to support their point of view by providing evidence and supporting facts. This type of essay is most common in high school, and the topics can vary widely. Some popular topics for argumentative essays are science, technology, politics, and health care. Before beginning an argumentative essay, it is essential to write an introductory paragraph that outlines the topic, provides background information and states the thesis.
Body paragraphs
The structure of the body paragraphs of an argumentative essay is simple: it begins with a topic sentence and ends with a concluding statement. Each body paragraph presents a sub-argument, either true or false and should be supported by evidence. Good sources of evidence include practical ideas, authoritative references, and statistics.
An argumentative essay includes evidence to support its main idea. It should consist of various sources, including factual statements, quotes, and personal accounts. The authorities that support the arguments should be credible, reliable, and timely. The information you gather should be organized logically so the reader can follow it. The five-paragraph format is generally recommended.
When constructing an argumentative order essay, a good topic sentence should be a powerful statement that relates to the article’s central claim. The main claim is a strong statement that argues for a specific point of view. Supporting information is usually found in the form of an expert with experience and knowledge in the field.
A reasonable conclusion will make readers glad they read your paper. It gives them something to think about, to take away. It can make them see things differently or appreciate the topic in personally meaningful ways. It may even offer them a call to action. Finally, a conclusion is an excellent opportunity to reinforce your thesis and to make a final statement about your topic.
An effective conclusion should explain the argument and its main points. It should also explain the process by which you arrived at a decision. In addition, you must consider your essay’s audience to ensure that you do not offend them in any way.
Text citations
When writing an argumentative essay, it is essential to include citations for non-original ideas or material. These sources can contribute to your knowledge and understanding of the material or help you formulate your arguments. However, you should not use unreliable sources as primary sources of information.
Text citations should include the title of the work and page number. Depending on the source type, they can be either a page number or an author’s last name. For appointments with more than one author, place a hyphen before the author’s name. If the author is not listed, use the name of the organization.
You should cite your sources correctly; a good guide can show you precisely what to do. For example, paraphrasing, you can use quotation marks around the text. However, if the text is longer than four lines, you should use a block quotation. Then, you’ll need to include a parenthetical citation after the period at the end of the last sentence.
Point of view
In argumentative essay writing, the writer adopts a point of view and argues from that perspective. Upon choosing the subject, the writer must develop a thesis statement. This statement should explain the paper’s position and outline its structure. It should also include reasons for supporting the thesis statement.
A good point of view in an article argumentative essay writing relies on research and evidence. This helps the writer distinguish their point of view from the opposing side’s. Researching different viewpoints can also help the writer identify their biases. Most people tend to argue for one side of a story because they think their point of view is the right one. This means they search for evidence that confirms their beliefs. This practice is called confirmation bias.
In addition to solid logic, the writer must appeal to the reader’s emotions and morality. In other words, a persuasive essay writer should make readers want to act on the topic. The writer should explain the different sides of a debate, refute any objections raised, and encourage the reader to follow their point of view. Argumentative essays often begin with a topic and end with a thesis statement.