Telegram is now widely used by businesses to sell and promote their products. By attracting members, spreading Telegram ads, and publishing posts on various topics, Telegram channels and groups have provided you with the opportunity to earn money. Increased membership is one of the most essential goals for many Telegram channel managers; as a result, they aim to raise the number of members of their channel by employing various ways and recruiting both fake and legitimate members.
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What are phony members, and how do you create one?
If you’ve managed Telegram channels before, you know how significant the number of channel members is, which is why all Telegram channel managers aim to grow the number of their channel members in various methods. It’s important to note, however, that the number of Telegram channel members is proportional to the amount of money that can be made through these channels.
Your mailing list will receive more ads the more subscribers you have. One of the greatest and simplest ways to make money from Telegram is to publish advertising posts on Telegram channels. Furthermore, the more store channel members there are, the more likely your customer base will grow. Telegram subscribers management bot is perfect solution for your business.
Increase the number of fake members by using T-Data!
How do we make a fake member if we’re looking for an answer? You should be aware that generating T-Data is one of the most effective ways to increase the number of fake Telegram channel members. T-data accounts can be thought of as telegram accounts. The T-data is already active by a virtual phone number, and you can log in to a Telegram account by entering each of them.
For instance, if you have 5,000 T-Data accounts, you will have 5,000 false followers, and you will be able to subscribe to any channel or group you desire. Because there is a lot of ready-made T-data available on various websites that you can simply utilize, we will first show you how to use ready-made T-data.
Buying fake and real Telegram members How to make fake Telegram members:
You must first purchase T-Data files in order to do so. Copy the T-data file to a folder called numbers on your computer desktop, then open the telegram admin software. You’ll notice a list of T-data in this phase, and by clicking on each of the displayed files, you’ll be sent to a telegram account that has already been created and is ready to use. You can easily join different channels or groups by logging in to any of these accounts. It’s tough to accomplish this manually for all accounts, so we recommend using the mouse and keyboard recorder program to automate the process.
How do you make T-data?
We showed you how to use ready-made T-data to grow your Telegram channel membership in the previous part; however, if you want to produce T-data from scratch, you’ll need to do more. As previously said, the simplest response to the question of how to construct a fake member is to use T-Data accounts, which allow you to subscribe to a large number of channels or Telegram groups. This is a wonderful way for individuals to handle several Telegram channels or groups. To get started with T-Data, you’ll need to make a folder with a lot of new folders.
The number of new folders you create must be equal to the total amount of T-data you wish to create. Then, within each one, copy a portable version of Telegram. After you’ve completed this procedure, you’ll need to go into each of them and create a Telegram account using a virtual phone number.
It’s simple to open a Telegram account. Simply open the new folders and choose to begin massaging. A code will be delivered to the same virtual number after you enter the virtual number. The account creation is completed by entering the code in the designated field.
Close the account and delete the portable version of Telegram after it has been created; keep in mind that the t-data and log.txt files should not be deleted. Once you’ve completed this for all of the new folders, copy and paste them into a numbers folder. Finally, open the Telegram admin program and easily log in to all of the virtual number accounts you’ve created. With your TD Data account, you can now subscribe to a variety of channels.
What are the distinctions between phony and genuine members?
To boost their channel membership, many Telegram channel managers prefer to use phony members. Because fake members are unrealistic, they cannot leave the channels in which they are members; as a result, if you insert a certain number of fake members into a channel, you can be confident that these members will stay for a long time; however, real members can leave your channel at any time, so the amount of drop in these types of members will be greater.
Furthermore, the cost of purchasing or creating a fake member is substantially lower than the expense of acquiring real members. This talent can even be considered one of the 0 Telegram marketing choices. For channels who merely wish to boost their channel membership, it’s cheaper to buy bogus members. Another thing to remember about phony members is that they have no effect on the number of views your posts receive.