One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make is deciding what type of roof to put on your home. Obviously, this decision is crucial because it will affect how your house looks and the comfort level inside for decades to come. In this post, we’re going to discuss three common types of roofs that are available so that you can decide which one would be best for you.
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Shingle Roofing
Considered to be one of the most prevalent types of roofing materials, shingle roofing is a popular choice because it’s relatively inexpensive and easy to install. The majority of homes in America use this type of roofing as well as many other countries around the world. This is also widely used in roof repair in Arizona and in other states.
Shingles are made from asphalt or fiberglass-based composition material that has been cut into thin layers with steep sloped edges before being applied to your home’s exterior walls. This type of roof typically comes in three basic styles: Tile – manufactured tiles that imitate clay tiles; Composite – fashioned by combining steel sheets with a granular weather resistant coating; Flat – made up of two pieces, one flat layer resting on top of another curved sheet, which matches the curve profile.
The popularity of shingles roofing stems from the fact that shingle roofing is available in different shapes, colors and sizes. Another big reason people prefer this type of roofing is because it’s easy to install and repair. Availability of local products, methods of constructions etc are some common considerations while selecting a specific shingle roofing tile. Plastic shingles are a popular type of roofing tile as they are inexpensive. However, the downside is that it needs a lot more maintenance than other types of tiles because sunlight and moisture can damage plastic shingles.
Here are some common shingle roofing types that are making a splash in the market –
Wood Shingles
The history of wood shingles is as old and majestic as the forests themselves. Shingles are traditionally made by sawing large pieces of lumber into smaller, uniform-sized colorbond sheets to create a flat surface with consistent width. The split shakes used for exterior building projects such that require an irregular or non-uniform shape come from larger logs which have been whittled down using two different methods: splitting them apart so they can be laid in any direction like brickwork; or flattening one side out before cutting it off at its widest point to make more affordable roof tiles—perfected over time through trial and error until perfection was achieved!
Flagstone and slate shingles
Flagstone and slate shingles are also traditional roofing materials. These are cut from natural stone, which is then split to create a flat surface that can be laid in any direction like brickwork or cut into tiles with one side flattened out to make more affordable roof tiles.
The slate shingles you choose will reflect your personality. The two biggest factors that contribute to the longevity of these types of roofing materials are maintenance and type of slate used. Slate can be reused because it is not lost in durability over time, meaning stone or slate shingle roofs may last up to 400 years with a little care on your part!
Metal Shingles
Metal Shingles are the perfect roofing material for people who live in areas that get a lot of snow. Metal roofs can withstand heavy loads, which is why they are often used on commercial properties like warehouses and other industrial buildings. The only drawback to metal shingle roofs is the high cost associated with installation as well as regular maintenance costs due to rust prevention treatments.
Plastic Shingles
Plastic Shingles are a good option for people who need a roof that won’t break. Plastic shingles are great because they won’t crack or warp when they get cold, and can be installed on any type of roof (flat or sloped). One issue with plastic roofs is the lack of variety in color availability.
Plastic Shingles have been around since the 90s as an alternative to traditional clay tiles which were being used before then. This material has become quite popular among homeowners due to its durability even while under extreme conditions like snow loads and high winds – qualities not found in other materials such as wood shakes or asphalt shingles… The best thing about these types of plastic shingles is that they are more than just a roofing material, they’re an investment.
Composite Shingles
Composite shingles are a blend of materials, usually fiberglass and acrylic. The two major benefits of composite roofing are the variety in color you can have which ranges from dark to light colors as well as their durability against things like weather, hail impacts or scratches. There’s no real downside since it has all the qualities that make up for any negatives.
The best thing about these types with its low-maintenance costs and ability to resist extreme environmental conditions makes them one of the most sought-after types on roofs.
Flat Roofing
Flat Roofing has gained a lot of traction over the past few years. It’s a great solution for homeowners who want a roof that is low-to-no maintenance and doesn’t require gutters, vents or skylights because it has all of these features built into its design.
The most common materials used in flat roofing are rubber, concrete or metal decking which vary as to cost and durability but they’re still pretty durable against extreme environmental conditions such as hail impacts, scratches and weathering.
Cedar Shakes
It is hard to differentiate between cedar shakes and shingles. They’re both made of wood and have a similar look but cedar shakes were first used in the 1800s.
The most important thing to remember is that they are more flexible, heavier, require an installation system with nails attached and need special tools for installation as well. They also cost around three times more than shingles so make sure you do your research before buying them!
Cedar Shakes typically last about 50 years which is shorter than other roof materials we’ve discussed but it’s still pretty good considering how long some roofs can take to wear out or leak.
Composite Roofs
Composite roofs have become more and less popular.
They’re not as heavy or rigid but they do come in a range of colors which is great for those who want to add some personality to their home while still getting the benefits composite roofs have like being fire-resistant, low maintenance costs and they can also withstand extreme conditions such as hail storms!
The downside is that it will need periodic upkeep when exposed to harsh weather elements though this is true with any roofing material you may choose. Composite roofs are best if you don’t plan on living at your home forever because most composites won’t last much past 25 years.