Once you get interested in website creation, you eventually realize that it is not so hard to create a simple blog. You euphorically start producing content in hopes of sharing your knowledge with wider audiences. However, things get quite annoying when you put your time and effort into something, write and edit a ton of content, and no one reads it. That’s why it is important to promote your blog online so people from all around the world can come and see what you have created. Here are some ideas on how to promote your blog online and increase your traffic.
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Obviously, the easiest way to promote your blog is via ads. You can pay for Google Ads or Social Media ads, and the traffic will follow. It is only important to learn how to set the right parameters so you can target audiences based on their interests. The downside of this is that you have to pay for every visitor. With that in mind, we can conclude that this approach is expensive, and if your blog isn’t monetized in any way, it is a waste of money. So, let’s try to find some free ways for you to promote your blog.
A great way to promote your blog is to join forum discussions. If you know a lot about the topic and see people arguing about something you already covered on your blog, you can simply paste a link to your article into that forum thread. This can also give you ideas for new blog posts so if you don’t already have it covered, you can write an article first, and then share it on the forum.
The biggest forum in the world is Reddit, with 1,6 billion monthly visitors, so you should definitely try to get a piece of that and redirect some traffic to your blog. You can also find other forums that revolve around your niche and join or even create discussions there. For example, if you have a Call of Duty blog, you can find some forum that discusses Call of Duty bets and post your predictions there. If people like your content, they will become returning visitors. This works for all niches.
Social Media
Another way to get free traffic is through social media. Create a fan page of your blog on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. If it is a business-related blog, it would also be smart to create a page on LinkedIn. Just make sure to stay active and post memes or interesting graphs from your niche to attract more followers. The more followers you have, the higher the reach of each post and the higher the chance of someone clicking on your forum link. It is also smart to integrate your social media into your blog. This will make it easier for your visitors to find you later and come back. If you don’t have it, they might forget to bookmark your site and never return back.
Video content is becoming more and more popular every day. Whether you like it or not, at some point in the future, you will have to switch to video creation. So, it would be smart to start now. Create a YouTube and TikTok account within your niche and start promoting your blog in the description under the video. It is not the greatest way to promote a blog, but you will build a YouTube channel or TikTok account following while doing so. It is worth it, and who knows, maybe you will find a new passion in video creation.
Guest Posts
Of course, the most usual way to promote your blog is via guest posts. What are guest posts? Guest posts are posts you write and publish on other websites. The link to your blog is usually somewhere within a guest post, so it can attract traffic to your website. Try contacting website owners and ask them to publish your pieces. If you deliver high quality pieces, they might do it for free.
We covered the simplest ways to promote your blog online. So, what are you waiting for? Go and do the hard work so you can reap the fruits of success later.