Everyone is pretty aware of the growing issues of Hair loss among younger people. According to specialists losing 50 to 100 hair strands is normal, but sometimes, people experience hair loss drastically in bunches, which is obviously a matter of concern! However, no one can control or reverse the natural balding process but take a few measures to protect the damage of hairs.
In this blog, we have mentioned some simple steps to prevent hairs from massive hair fall.
Table of Contents
1. A Guide to Shampooing Hairs
We all know regular hair wash helps to keep the scalp clean and healthy, but at the same time, it is necessary to understand the type and requirement of scalp before choosing the right shampoo. For instance, a dry scalp doesn’t require as much washing of hair as oily locks. By following the simple method, you can prevent numerous infections such as dandruff or heavy breakage of follicles.
Also, select a mild and herbal shampoo that is not loaded with paraben, sulfate, or silicone, which makes hair more prone to breakage and even leads the tresses to turn brittle.
2. Healthy / Balanced Diet and Exercise
To keep hair healthy for a lifetime, add all the nutritious food into your daily diet. Even our hairs require the right amount of vitamins and minerals, a lot of benefits are hidden in dairy products and green vegetables that keep the root of hairs strong and healthy.
A balanced diet, including Vitamin A and Vitamin B12, helps produce sebum in the scalp and maintains the hair growth. You will find these elements in fruits, including mango, papaya, sweet red peppers, leafy green veggies, beans, yogurt, etc.
Whereas Biotin and Protein are required to build blocks of hairs, deficiency of these nutrients causes thinning of hairs. Add a rich protein diet that comes in lentils, cottage cheese, milk, soy, and dried beans.
Also, with a healthy diet, you need to practice exercise regularly. Stress-relieving yoga and meditation help a lot of people in reducing hair fall.
3. Avoid Chemical Treatments
Applying harsh hair treatments destroys the natural quality leading to hair loss at a younger age. These days numerous hair treatments like straightening, perming, coloring, rebounding, and smoothing damages the roots and dry up the natural oil of hairs.
Also, regular use of blow dryers and curling rods, especially wet hairs, produces heat in the hair shaft and turns into brittle. Even if you are planning to use these appliances, apply conditioner before and use protective hair spray.
4. Use Essential Oils for Hair Massage
Oiling helps to nourish hair roots and improves blood circulation. Massaging your scalp with right hair oil for once or twice a week will maintain the proper health of hairs. Rubbing warm oil on clean hair shafts penetrates nutrients to roots, making them stronger. Leave it overnight or for a few hours before washing.
Also, castor, coconut, or almond oils have excellent hair growth properties and are considered as effective remedies for hair fall treatment.
5. Consult Dermatologist
Don’t take chances when it comes to hairs. A continuous or gradual hair fall will eventually turn into thinner hairs with time. Take consultation from your dermatologist and follow the right medical treatment before falling into the trap of major hair issues.