You might think you understand what pay-per-click marketing is, but do you? Pay-per-click marketing is a form of advertising that can easily have you stand out from your competitors.
Pay-per-click advertising isn’t free, though, so it is paramount to have a strong foundational knowledge of what it is so you don’t waste money on the wrong pay-per-click ads. Keep reading the guide below to learn how you can make money with pay-per-click marketing.
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What Is PPC?
Pay-per-click, PPC, is a realm of online marketing in which advertisers would pay a small fee every time their advertisement is clicked on by a browser. When the ad is clicked, it will take the browser to the advertiser’s desired landing page. Ultimately it is a paid version of search-engine optimization where advertisers pay for website traffic instead of it being organic.
If PPC is done correctly, each ad click will be trivial compared to the gains from conversions. PPC ads can appear on websites or on search engines like Google and Bing. For example, you might be on a music website but see an ad for shoes you were browsing earlier; this is a PPC campaign, and once you click it, the advertiser is charged, and you’re navigated to the site with the hope that you’ll complete a purchase.
PPC ads on search engines are a little different since they generally rely on text only. The “winning” PPC ads are selected by the search engine based on monetary bids for keywords and keyword relevance.
PPC Keyword Research
Landing on the first page of a search engine means exposure for your brand. To appear on this first page, it is important to select relevant, targeted keywords and organize them strategically.
Relevance means keywords should be clearly related to what you sell. Targeted and organized keywords are important when crafting a long-tail keyword. Long-tail keywords have a “long tail,” meaning they trail on with many words as opposed to 1-3 word short-tail keywords.
An example of a short-tail would be a search of “white top” vs. a long-tail of “women’s cotton white button-down.” Long-tail keywords drive more website traffic due to decreased competition and usually result in sales since the browser has something specific in mind.
Create a Winning PPC Ad
Strategic PPC keywords are just half of the equation. PPC ads need to have intriguing content to get the follow-through your business needs. A PPC management service will get you a satisfying return.
A PPC service provider aids by observing bid prices regularly to compete for the right keywords. They also create click-worthy Google, Facebook, and YouTube ads for your campaign. A service provider can maximize conversions and brand awareness through social advertising and turn potential customers into repeat customers with PPC remarketing.
Make Money With Pay-Per-Click
PPC marketing is a great way to earn money. Bloggers can use PPC by hosting ads on their website, and businesses can use it to drive sales. However you use it, you can make money with pay-per-click. Search PPC on our blog for more tips!