The most common gastrointestinal disease that everyone faces once in a while is acid reflux or more commonly known as acidity. Before, people used to believe that bites occur just because of spicy and fatty food. But nowadays, doctors know the reason can be anything. A sedentary lifestyle, bad food habits, smoking, any other disease, or such are the main reasons for acid reflux. People used to use hundreds of homemade remedies to relieve this disease. Those were useful but very slow to respond. Sometimes the drugs or treatments had other side effects too. But now, medical science has powerful acid reflux medicine to prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease.
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Treatment of Acidity
The most common medical therapy for acid reflux is the PPI drugs. PPI stands for proton pump inhibitors. These drugs (esomeprazole, lansoprazole) inhibit the hydrogen ion secretion from the glands of the stomach. As a result, there is no activation of the gastrin hormone. Gastrin hormone is the primary digestive hormone of the stomach and needs acid activation. As there is less acid, the patient won’t feel acid reflux anymore. Omeprazole is the most popular and influential member of this group. Usually, the regimen starts with twice daily medicines before taking the meal. But in severe cases, the doctors prefer a combination of three drugs for fourteen days at least. It is called triple-drug therapy. If the patient develops a gastric or duodenal ulcer, then this regimen is beneficial. But never try this protocol on your own. These drugs are OTC. That means you can buy them without any prescription. But certainly, you should not, because like every other drug, the super-safe drug PPIs have some side effects.
Side Effects Of PPI
Prolonged use of the PPIs can reduce gastric secretion permanently. As a result, there will be a problem in digestion and absorption of nutrients. This condition is known as dyspepsia. Here the patient will feel abdominal discomfort, flatulence, and nausea. As the food is not getting digested correctly, there will be a lack of nutrition too. A study says if a person takes the proton pump inhibitors for about twenty years regularly, there is a vivid chance of developing stomach cancer. It also causes anemia. That means these drugs are not the permanent solution to acid reflux. Now the most important question comes. If not the PPIs, then what is the ultimate treatment of acid reflux disease? The answer is simple, and we all know it. Lifestyle modification is the only way to fight acid reflux disease.
Prevention of Acid Reflux Diseases
A healthy lifestyle with moderate exercise can regulate the glands to secret proper amounts of hormones every time you need. So, make a little time for yourself because nothing can be better than a bit of self-pampering. Drink a lot of water. It will dilute your stomach’s acid content, detoxify the body, prevent the formation of ulcers, and one thousand more wellness to your body. IspaGhula husk and chia seeds work wonders in acid reflux diseases. They act as a natural buffer system. As they are full of fibers, help in other digestive disorders like constipation and anal fissures.
Some people believe lemons are a strict no for acid reflux as they are already acidic. But weirdly enough, the mild acid helps to function correctly. Also, it reduces the ferric oxide to our absorbable form of iron. It is beneficial to prevent anemia.
Acid reflux is a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Your body is warning for worse conditions. So, be careful about your body and take care of it.