Technology is fast becoming one of the most lucrative sources of wealth across the globe.
According to recent government reports, this industry currently makes up £540 billion within the UK.
With technology constantly advancing, it has many benefits for children, both in later career prospects and in everyday life. That said, it’s no secret that it can be notoriously challenging trying to get children to take an interest in particular subjects.
In this article, we share a few ideas on how to get children excited about tech.
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Teach children the importance of technology
Children must understand how large a role tech plays within our lives in order for them to gain a true understanding of its significance. One way to demonstrate the importance of tech is to play a game naming all the things in the classroom that is powered by technology. This might be computers, iPads, or an interactive whiteboard. Then broaden this by asking them to list all the things within their homes that use technology. This will no doubt be a much larger list, potentially including the likes of amazon speakers, televisions, laptops, mobile phones, and much more.
STEM education skills
One of the key advantages of teaching children about technology is that this feeds directly into STEM education. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This collective term is used to group together skills that fall into these four categories. There are numerous benefits of STEM education that can be implemented both in and outside of the classroom. Carving out STEM time within a set curriculum can help children to improve in the following areas:
- Fuelling creativity
- Encouraging communication and teamwork
- Promoting problem-solving and critical thinking
Make it fun
Make it apparent to children in the classroom that technology is far from boring. Whether in the classroom or at home, the best way to showcase this is by setting them interactive tasks that include technology. This might be playing an educational game on an iPad or computer, or using voice recognition to power home speakers. If you’re looking for ways to incorporate technology in the classroom, STEM inventor kits can provide hours of fun – while simultaneously requiring logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Shine a positive light on technology
Telling children that too much television or tablet time is bad for them may cause them to pick up negative associations with technology. While it’s healthy to set curfews and limitations on screentime, it’s also important that we remember to celebrate technology for how impressive it can be. This will help to get children excited about tech in an educational way. Completing homework online and cementing learnings through interactive platforms are both fantastic ways to shine a positive light on technology, encouraging children to take an interest in it.