How to Meet a Partner
For the majority of the global population, meeting a girl is one of the toughest tasks out there, and quite daunting to say the least. Here we look at five simple and easy steps to meet a girl in the most gentlemanly and non-creepy way:
Try to Get Her Attention
Making sure that you make good eye contact is imperative. This helps, the next step of initiating a conversation, and ensures that she wont miss what you say, and that you basically have her full attention. At this point, you really need to try and make yourself as calm and as chilled out as you can. Coming across with poor verbal communication, or stuttering for example, will more than likely not go down too well! Some simple deep breathing techniques can help here if you are feeling anxious.
All Women Like Compliments
Complimenting a girl can be a great way to break the ice, but here you must tread with caution. Whatever you do try and avoid tacky or cliched lines, but go for something subtle and complementary. An example of this might be “I really like your smile”, or “ That outfit youre wearing looks great!”. Nothing too over the top, but a nice feel good compliment can be a good ice breaker.
The Introduction
After breaking the ice, it’s now time to introduce yourself. Again, nothing too over the top here, just a gentle introduction as to help keep the conversation flowing, and give some information about who you are, and not just simply asking questions etc.
There are always some topics to avoid in any first conversation – namely politics and religion! The main thing is on your first meeting to keep things light hearted and friendly. If you can a little bit of humour into things, this generally works very well for women. You will find that most women love a guy with a good sense of humour.
The Follow Up
Now that you’ve got the first meeting and conversation out of the way, its time to try and angle for a second meeting. Here you might suggest maybe going for a coffee, or simply go for broke and ask for her phone number. This really depends on how you feel things have gone, as to the level of progression.
If you simply don’t know how to get a girlfriend, and need some simple and easy to follow steps, then the above guide you give you a good start on your quest to meeting a partner.