Did you know that you can create a cryptocurrency with just a few clicks? Yes, you heard that, right! Well, keep reading on. Who knows- you might be the next Vitalik Buterin. Not as popular as he is currently, but I know you get the picture. Technology is advancing in rocket speed. The good news is there are many artificial intelligence powered tools using which you can Create a Cryptocurrency in just a few clicks.
If you are not an expert coder, but you’ve always had your eye on Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or other altcoins, then I’m sure creating your crypto has probably crossed your mind. If you are new at cryptocurrencies, here’s something to get you up to speed.
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Difference Between a Coin and Token
The first step to creating your crypto, you will have to understand the difference between a coin and a token. As much as both names might sound the same, there’s a slightly different that you need to know. To be more specific, a coin operates on a given blockchain while a token will run on an existing blockchain like for instance, Ethereum.
Simply put, a blockchain is the collection of data records containing the transactions made within the system. These records will virtually become the security of the blockchain. That’s because it’s practically impossible to hack into such records. Therefore, while a coin will have its own set of records, call it ledgers, a token will rely on the ledgers of another blockchain to verify its transactions.
But don’t get me wrong! Both tokens and coins have the highest level of security. Tokens are mainly released through ICO (Initial coin offering), which helps to fund the token. And you will need an ICO script powered dashboard to maintain and manage your ICO. It’s a bit similar to financing a gaming platform or even a digital wallet. Are you still there? Right, let’s get to the main event now, shall we?
How to Create Cryptocurrency
The best way to create your own cryptocurrency without any knowledge in coding is by using BitExchange systems. The professionals behind this system did an impressive job such that you can create a deployable cryptocurrency that will be acceptable in any exchange platform. That also includes some of the major exchanges.
In fact, some of the cryptocurrencies created here have been listed on Binance, CEX, and Poloniex, among others. You can also go with cryptohead.io.
You can either choose to create a ‘security token’ or ‘utility Token’ depending on your preferences using this cryptocurrency creator system. More importantly, BitExchange has the latest security systems, so your token will always be impenetrable by hackers.
What’s more, BitExchange has expert advisors who will help you through your ICO journey. This system has all the compliance information automatically generated into your cryptocurrency hence ensuring your ICO is a complete success. The AI systems design crypto that’s ready to hit the market as soon as possible. What else would you ask for?
To Wrap This Up
We live in a world where cryptocurrencies are becoming the new normal. Most companies are adopting cryptos into their payment systems, meaning that these digital coins are here to stay. And especially with this pandemic situation, the world needs more of these limitless tokens. As more market uncertainties occur, the only constant seems to be switching fast towards the world of cryptocurrencies. This empowers people globally to hold and transact without any limitations at all. And since this entire concept is powered over the blockchain, there is for sure an iron-clad security put in place. Why don’t you take advantage of this and create your own crypto? With BitExchange, you can make your dreams come true.