Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and overwhelming experiences most of us will ever go through. Unfortunately, there is no guide on earth that will tell you everything you need to know about parenting, but we could all do better with some tips and tricks from those who have been there. You likely have a handle on some of the most obvious aspects of parenting, but we’ve put together a list of things that you may have overlooked or not yet thought of. Keep reading for some pointers that you may not have gotten yet.
- How to Find Childcare
If you have recently given birth, you’ve most likely been spending all your time looking after and caring for your newborn. Parents who are a couple months into this process may find themselves asking when the last time they’ve left the house for something fun was. If you are starting to feel like mom and dad could use a night away, check out this resource to find caregivers near me. Not only can you find safe and reliable childcare options online, but you can also use these resources to find pet care, daycare options and even housekeeping. The real tip here is to not let yourself get burnt out. Parenting certainly isn’t easy (especially for new parents) so make sure you are allowing yourself some time away from the home to catch up with friends and to just have fun.
- Out Growing your Home?
Another thing that new parents may or may not have given thought to is the size of their home. If you are planning to have two or three kids, a two-bedroom house is going to start feeling small after your first. If you are at the point where your new family is outgrowing your house, you can find great resources for how to sell my house online. Listing your home online is way easier than the stress of working with realtors and buyers directly. If you are pregnant or have small children, the last thing you are going to want to do is deal with the stress of selling your home. An online home lister will provide you with all the resources you need to sell and purchase a home from start to finish.
- Making Breastfeeding Easier
If you are a breastfeeding mom, you likely have an arsenal of equipment. Breast pumps, extra bottles, and nursing pillows are things that you probably had on hand prior to your birth. It can be natural to concern yourself with things for your baby rather than things that will make your life easier. However, you may be at the point where you realize that nursing without the right clothes can be a real pain. This is why we love nursing dresses so much. These dresses look like your normal stylish sundress but are specifically designed to give easy access for breastfeeding. Most women go for nursing bras but still have to worry about the accessibility of the clothes they wear over them. Nursing dresses are an easy and comfortable alternative that we highly recommend.
- Cooking for Children
Once you are out of the breastfeeding phase, you will need to start thinking about nutrition for your child. There’s the obvious like including lots of fruits and veggies, adequate protein and kids chewable vitamins on the daily, however don’t overlook the small things. Let’s talk about your pots and pans. Did you know that much of the non-stick cookware on the market can let off toxic materials into your food? This can be harmful to adults, but you want to be especially mindful when it comes to your children. If you’re concerned about your current pots and pans, make sure you invest in a good non toxic cookware set before you start cooking for your kids.
- Shopping for Babies
One of the most fun parts of having kids is all the tiny clothes we get to pick out for them. It can be all too easy to go out and pick an entire wardrobe for your baby’s first year of life before they even arrive. One thing that you will want to keep in mind while shopping is the weather. Make sure that you are getting weather appropriate clothes in the proper sizes for when your baby will be hitting that season. If your baby is born in the spring, then consider purchasing wide hats, kids sunglasses, and light breezy materials for the 3-6 month range. Then for 7-9 months focus on getting jackets and hats that are appropriate for winter. This will help you build a wardrobe for your baby’s first year that is actually functional.
- Bringing Home a Baby When you Have Pets
If you have pets, preparing them to be around a baby or child is something that needs to be addressed. Bringing home a new family member is a big change for all members of your household. You can make sure your furry friend is ready for the new human by getting them used to new sounds and smells before your baby comes home. You can start by playing videos of babies crying to get them used to the loud noises. Once your baby is born, you can have your partner bring home something that has the scent of your baby on it so your pet can start getting to know their scent before they arrive in the house. Since your pet will now be sharing your attention, it can also be helpful to pamper them so they still feel special. Having their favorite treats on hand is never a bad move. Investing in one of these waterproof pet beds is also a good idea (especially with kids). If you are really looking to pamper your pup this new dog kit has everything you need to upgrade your fur baby to the life of luxury. Just follow these tips and we have no doubt that your fur baby and your human baby will be best friends in no time!
With these lesser-known tips, we hope you are feeling more confident than ever to take on the incredible task of parenting. Just remember that raising children is far from clear-cut and you are doing the best you can! And of course, it’s always worth it for the end result!