With remote working options becoming the norm, more and more companies and employees prefer this style.
Although this working setup has its own challenges, most employees have been shown to be more productive at home than they were in the office. However, keeping up a productive momentum may be one of the challenges some remote workers may face as managers are not physically present to supervise and motivate them.
Such challenges could be overcome by implementing a few new strategies to boost productivity. Here are a few suggestions to get started:
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1. Prioritize Tasks
Some people may need help prioritizing their workday. It may be a good idea to help them with a schedule or regular check-ins to keep them motivated. A good quality business telephone service may assist with the check-ins and help with task completion.
Having deadlines for work assignments is not a new concept, but the deadlines may have to be enforced more strictly with a remote workforce. This way, employees know what is expected from them and will aspire to be more productive.
Setting realistic expectations with employees would also help achieve a higher level of productivity. Traditionally, workers had to be in the office from nine to five, which has now changed. Employees may prefer to work during hours that suit their home environment, and these hours are not always considered normal working hours.
As long as the tasks are being completed and this does not affect the team member’s performance, compromises could be made regarding the timeframe for completing tasks.
2. Set Boundaries
It is easy to keep working non-stop and not take a break because of the more relaxed work environment. Employees and managers could easily forget that not all employees will be online simultaneously, which may infringe on their well-earned downtime.
Everyone in the company must recharge and take a break in between work tasks. People may become irritated and lack focus if they do not rest enough, which may affect their productivity. Be wary of overscheduling meetings or work duties to ensure that all employees are motivated to complete them within their normal work hours.
Management of the company should set boundaries regarding requests for assistance or other matters that need to be discussed. Give employees a certain timeframe where they are free to make contact. Employees could set the same kind of boundaries to make sure that they do not overextend themselves and cause burnout.
Encourage the workforce to find a space where they will be comfortable working and remind them to take breaks and put away work-related tools and reminders when they are done for the day.
3. Less Could Be More
Instead of pushing employees to complete eight hours of work, encourage them to work smart instead.
Because remote working could be more relaxed and flexible, forcing employees to work the same hours as before might not be the best idea. Work hard, work smart and deliver results—this should be the motto. Not all employees need hours and hours to complete tasks, and leaders may want to change their mindset when it comes to this. Allow workers to finish the tasks on their own time as long as they are done by the deadline.
Meetings should not be held too often or be kept going for too long. This could seriously impede productivity in the office and while working remotely. Use the meeting time wisely by swiftly handling issues on the agenda and sorting out any new issues that may arise.
4. Communicate Often
Conducting regular check-ins to see how employees are doing could motivate and make employees more productive. The feeling that the company cares about their wellbeing could reinforce their loyalty and give employees the boost they need.
Creating a sense of belonging with regular check-ins could also make a big difference in team member wellness. To be part of a group is a fundamental human need, and to include these communication sessions in a workday or workweek would surely enhance productivity and performance. t’s also important to ensure you are communicating and allowing your team to bond over more than just work. Setting up team bonding get-togethers virtually makes this possible. With various online options, like https://escapely.com/ for example, you can engage your team no matter where in the world they are located.
To Wrap It Up
Looking after team members’ well-being seems to be one of the top motivators for boosting productivity. Including all the best work tools for remote working, effectively scheduling meetings and work activities, and open communication channels have also been proven to boost productivity.
The new way of remote working has changed work styles and management styles. Being productive may look different from how it did before. Involve the remote workforce when discussing productivity to know what their preferred working hours and communication styles are.