Software Development as a career is on a boom since the past decade. While most people will still not understand most aspects of this specialized job, they know that you earn big as a developer. As you are sure to carve a niche for yourself in software development, here are the ways you can fast track to getting the right start.
Follow the online groups, forums and link up with developer circles to keep an eye out for upcoming boot camps. The very design of Bootcamps is to educate the attendees in a fast track manner and make them ready to take up jobs within a short period. Your idea of spending so much time and money at the Bootcamps should be to identify people who can be your Mentors. People who can heed an ear to your queries and continue to guide you through your developer career. It is like having someone to go to when you face pitfalls.
Companies provide on the job training. As the field of coding is vast, they want to hand- hold the new employees and train them in a particular desired set of skills. So it makes sense to join the job first and then learn to code later. Of course, we do not recommend going all blank to the interview. A basic knowledge of computer logic is a must. And You must look make good first impression for that you can get tailored suits in Sydney.
Most coding jobs involve an aptitude test, followed by a panel or one-on-one interview. Instead of preparing to learn to code, you might want to prepare towards cracking the written test and the interview. Lots of materials are available on the internet regarding hiring interviews. For instance, here’s a step by step guide by focused on how companies hire developers and also try to find the basic questions asked in the written exams. As you get in, you’ll find yourself in the best of a world situation. You will be taught how to code and you will get paid to learn. Third party logistics can also help you.
An alternative to this shortcut is the conventional method of learning coding languages and then applying for jobs. You do not have to go for the more challenging languages to conquer coding. You should start with simpler languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. They are easy to learn and broadly have a similar logic as the challenging languages.
HTML and CSS are like literally the basics and hence the easiest to learn. You do not have to put much effort into learning them, you can focus on understanding the syntax and master the skills quickly.
JavaScript is literally everywhere on the internet. Almost 94% of live websites across the internet run Javascript in one form or the other. An excellent place to start learning JavaScript for free is So as you finish the full JavaScript learning program, you are sure to be able to crack every web developer interview with flying colors.
Speaking of interviews, it makes sense to highlight some of your work and learnings to the interviewers. You may present it in the form of a portfolio, linking how you deployed the concepts into an application that solves a problem. You might also showcase your work online on GitHub and insert the URL link on your resume or mention it while applying online.
The plan is to get a junior web developer job at the earliest and start working with other professionals. You can continue to build new skills on the job and at the same time keep a lookout to hop on to the next job offer. Keep learning, keep growing!