When you use text message marketing for your small business, it can help you communicate with current and future customers, which will ultimately lead to an increase in revenue. This marketing channel offers several functions that you may personalize for your industry and target market, ranging from texts that are transactional and timely to texts that are amusing and generate brand awareness. In addition, this channel has the potential to stimulate conversation in both directions, allowing you to cultivate robust ties with your clientele.
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How Small Businesses Can Use SMS Marketing
SMS marketing initiatives are incredibly adaptable. Despite the limited amount of space, a single text message has the potential to be an effective vehicle for several different marketing messages. These examples should be a source of motivation for you as you consider implementing text campaign strategies for your small business. If you own an eCommerce store then you have to go for sms marketing for ecommerce to boost your sales.
Establishment of a brand
Regarding mobile marketing, the focus need not be solely on making sales. In addition to sending promotions, proprietors of small businesses can use texting to share content, or engage directly with their customers.
For instance, WeRateDogs provides a novel application of text message marketing by enabling followers to opt-in to receive daily dog photographs via text message. This helps to create a complete and satisfying experience with the business.
Here are the main ways small businesses can use SMS:
Sales promotions
Sending promotional codes and discount coupons to subscribers is one of the most prevalent uses of text message marketing. SMS is an excellent method for communicating time-sensitive information because 95 percent of users will read their texts within three minutes of receiving them. Text messaging can be an effective tool for persuading clients to purchase quickly, whether running a flash sale, accepting pre-orders on a new product line, or providing free shipping.
Event invitations
When it comes to inviting subscribers to freebies, contests, and in-store or virtual events, text messaging has the potential to be an efficient method. Because of the conversational nature of this marketing channel, your event invites will come off as more personal and less like a generic email campaign to a large number of people.
Current events
Do you have some news about the company that could be important to your customers? Please elaborate on this via writing. Users can be encouraged to try out brand-new mobile app experiences, for instance, by sending them a text message inviting them to do so. If you are updating your services, you may want to consider sending out a quick text message with a link to a landing page.
Transactional Information
The use of SMS for appointment reminders, billing reminders, purchase confirmations, welcome messages, and other similar purposes can boost customer satisfaction, particularly in the medical and service industries. Text messages from companies are opened and read by customers 35 times more frequently than emails, which means that important notifications are more likely to be noticed.
It’s also not difficult to send a reminder: You may set up these transactional texts as auto-replies using many of the text message marketing providers that are available.
Customer support
Another possible application for text is helping customers troubleshoot issues on their own devices. With the help of your SMS marketing platform, you can make it easier for your clients to communicate with you and introduce them to additional support channels for their inquiries. You will still be able to increase client satisfaction using this method, even if they cannot join a phone call.
Wrap up
The usage of texting can reduce the number of clients requesting confirmations, lower the number of no-shows for saved appointment slots, and eliminate last-minute cancellations, in addition to helping you keep your customers happy.