Entrepreneurship is an important part of society. Without entrepreneurs inventing new methods of helping people and meeting their needs, technology and society would stagnate and we wouldn’t have all the amazing, affordable conveniences we have today. But how do entrepreneurs decide which businesses to start? What if you want to start a business? Let’s go over a list of ways to identify new small business opportunities.
Entrepreneurship is driven by need. When some people are willing to pay for a product or service they aren’t receiving, that’s when a business opportunity exists. So, how do you find out what products and services people are willing to pay for?
- Ask people
The simplest way is to ask people. You can conduct surveys and interview customers of certain businesses to ask them how they’d like products or services. How do they think that business could improve? How much would they be willing to pay for that service? These questions can lead directly to figuring out how to provide that service to them. If you have a business now, ask your own customers how they think your business could improve or what they’d like to see your business do differently.
- Cut costs
Another easy way to identify a need is to ask if a particular product or service could be made more cost-effective. If you can provide a product or service to customers for a cheaper price while still making a profit, there’s a good chance that there’s a business opportunity that hasn’t been taken yet. Time used is also a cost. Is there some way to make a current product or service more efficient, and is there a way to deliver that service to customers more quickly?
- Watch competition
Variety is an important part of identifying a business need. Even if there’s not a particular service or product customers know they want, or your competition doesn’t seem to have any obvious flaws, there are still business opportunities to be found. Does your competition provide many general services? Maybe you could specialize in one of them. Does your competition do one service really well? What other adjacent services could you also provide in a way that’s more convenient for customers?
- Pay attention to industry trends
Obviously, not all business opportunities are equal. Some services consumers want may be a passing fad, whereas others may become a normal part of everyday life. It’s impossible to predict these trends completely, and many successful business stories owe their success to luck and good timing. However, that doesn’t mean that looking at the industry and thinking about what direction it’s going in won’t help with identifying business opportunities.
There are always more opportunities for new businesses. You just have to know how to find them. Ask consumers what products and services they want, figure out how to provide services cheaply, and take lessons from your competition and the industry. Hopefully, this list has given you a few ideas to help spark your creativity as you create a new business.