Categories: Law

How Employment Law Solicitors Can Help You with Your Case

Whether you’re an employer having trouble with contracts or an employee who is sure their employer is treating them unlawfully, employment law is a complex subject and not something anyone wants to get wrong. With this in mind, it may be an option to employ the services of an employment law solicitor. These experienced and knowledgeable professionals can be helpful in a range of circumstances, which we’ll outline below.

For employers

The legalities of running a business are many and varied, and none are more important than those surrounding your employees. Whether you’re creating contracts or policies to ensure your employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities, or you’re faced with an employee who needs to go through a grievance or disciplinary procedure, an employment lawyer can help ensure you’re on the right side of the law. 

Not only this, but they can help to ensure that any redundancy processes are followed to the letter and can represent you in tribunals or negotiations to help you find the right solution for the legal problems you face.

For employees

For employees who aren’t sure their employer is correctly treating them, whether it relates to unpaid wages, holiday or sick pay, discrimination or dismissal, quickly getting the right advice can be key to a successful case. A solicitor will be able to get the crux of the matter and give you knowledge-based advice you can then consider before you take further action. 

Preserving a working relationship

If there are disagreements within the employer/employee relationship but the working relationship needs to continue, putting matters in the hands of lawyers can help to remove emotion from the situation. This can allow for a working relationship to be preserved while the legalities of the problem are discussed between legal professionals and informed to their client. In some cases, it could keep disputes out of the tribunal, which could cost less for both parties in terms of stress and fees. 

Timing is everything

If you’re seeking advice for an employment law issue, you must do it quickly. Some claims relating to employment law must be filed with the tribunal within just three months of the incident involved. Failing to file in the correct time scale could lead to even the most unfair case being dismissed without a hearing. 

How to choose your employment law solicitor

There are, of course, many options open to you when it comes to employment law firms. When looking for an employment lawyer, some good considerations to make include:

  • How much experience do they have with cases like yours? Qualified solicitors can give you insight into the types of cases they’ve handled and how successful they’ve been.
  • Are they accredited? It is wise to choose a solicitor registered with the Solicitors Regulation Authority. In addition, see if the Law Society or other professional bodies have certified them.
  • Do they have good reviews? – Anyone can tell you they do good work, but independent reviews from previous clients can give great insight into the level of service your prospective solicitor provides.
  • Will they offer a free consultation? Many solicitors will give you a free consultation; you can speak briefly about your issues and ask whether they can help you.  This can show you whether they’re the right fit for you.

By following the above advice, whether you’re an employee or employer, you can be confident that you’re working with someone who understands the resolution you want, giving you a realistic chance of success. 


Ethan is the founder, owner, and CEO of EntrepreneursBreak, a leading online resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners. With over a decade of experience in business and entrepreneurship, Ethan is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

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