When it comes to hearing loss, you might be surprised to learn that 1 in 8 Americans older than age 12 has hearing loss in both ears. If you think you might not hear as well as you used to, it’s probably time to consider taking a hearing test.
One of the best ways to determine if you might be suffering from hearing loss is by taking an online hearing test. Curious about what taking a hearing test online entails? Read on to learn all about it!
The Home Hearing Test Process
Home hearing tests come in a variety of forms. Some involve a series of questions that ask you about your ability to hear. These questions help identify existing hearing issues and your risk for hearing issues in the future.
Other online hearing tests involve listening to sounds to help determine if you might have some level of hearing loss. The sounds come through at different volumes, and you’ll be asked to identify whether you heard the sound. Some also involve spoken words where you have to identify a photo that matches the word you heard.
Use Them as a Screening Tool
The most important thing to note about taking an online hearing test is that it is not a perfectly accurate hearing test. One reason for this is that the test cannot control the testing environment.
For example, if you live in a home with a lot of people in it, you might have a lot of background noise, which impacts the results of the test. Some people might take the exam with headphones, while others use their computer’s speakers and at differing volumes. For these reasons, it’s important to look at online hearing tests as a pre-screening exam rather than a diagnosis of hearing loss.
Follow-Up with an Office Test
No matter what the result of your online hearing test, if you’re concerned about your ability to hear, it’s important to follow up the test with an office visit. Professionals, like those at Wichita Falls Hearing, conduct hearing exams in a controlled environment to determine if you have hearing loss.
If you do have hearing loss or a hearing disorder, doctors can help you determine how to treat your condition. This might involve hearing aids or other adaptive strategies. No matter what is going on with your hearing, you won’t regret seeing a doctor to help improve your quality of life.
Is an Online Hearing Test Right for You?
As much as we’d like to retain our same ability to hear throughout our lives, we inevitably lose some of our hearing over time. Taking the time to take an online hearing test helps you determine whether you should visit a doctor about your potential hearing loss. Follow up the test with an office visit, and you’ll be on track to regaining your hearing!
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