Over the last year, a lot of us have learnt that we need to be more mindful of our mental health, and looking after ourselves and how the environment that we’re in plays a huge part in that. We Buy Any House have looked into how decluttering can improve our mental health, along with some top tips to make progress even on our bad days.
Tidy home, tidy mind
You’ve likely heard the phrase ‘tidy home, tidy mind’, but brushed it off as something that people just say without any real meaning behind it. However, a lot of us find that there’s more to it than first thought. It’s very easy to fall behind on chores, and it doesn’t take long for it to build up, which then has a knock-on effect on our mental health. Whether it be because you’re upset that you’re not managing to do these tasks, or you just find yourself uncomfortable in your home when it isn’t as clean as normal, it doesn’t take much for this to affect us and end up making us feel worse than we did before.
If you’re finding yourself in this position, try to take small steps to start getting back on track with your chores, and it won’t take long to see a difference. A lot of the time, seeing an improvement spurs you on and will give you the energy you need to do some more, but if you don’t, it doesn’t matter. Try to remember that even doing a little bit of the cleaning is better than doing nothing.
Make yourself a rota
Mess builds up at home quickly, so a lot of the time, it’s staying on top of it that’s what you need to focus on. Outline which jobs need doing when, and give yourself a schedule to make sure that it gets done. Some people prefer to do everything in one go, dedicating a morning on the weekend to do everything they need to do, but this can feel overwhelming, and you might not have the energy to do it.
Instead of this, you can look at breaking down the cleaning you need to do and do a bit each evening. Doing this takes the pressure off and lets you do a small amount each day rather than piling it all up on one, and feels much more manageable.
How can I clear the clutter?
There’s a big difference between cleaning and decluttering, so knowing how to approach them both will help make things easier for you. There are a few tips that you can use to help you on your decluttering journey:
- 5 a day
Get rid of 5 items a day – this can mean throwing them away, donating them to charity, or rehoming them to friends or family. After a week or however long feels right to you, you can increase this number to start getting rid of more stuff, and you’ll very quickly see a dramatic difference in your home.
- Do one area at a time
The biggest mistake that people make when decluttering is trying to tackle big areas and then giving up because it feels like too much work. Look at small spaces, like a cupboard or a drawer first, and clear that fully before moving to another spot. Focusing on one area will make it much easier to see the difference and keeps your motivation up to continue.
- Date check your things
Most people think that date-checking only applies to items in the kitchen and forget about toiletries and other bathroom products. We’re almost all guilty of keeping things way past their date, so this can be a great place to start getting rid of stuff if you’re struggling elsewhere. Kitchen cupboards will likely have some dried goods that are out of date, as well as make-up and other supplies in the bathroom. If you aren’t sure if it’s out of date, but you haven’t used it for over 6 months, this is a good sign that you don’t need it and can get rid of it regardless.
- Clear your surfaces
Whether it’s shelving, tables, or kitchen counters, these surfaces are incredibly easy to clutter and are the perfect place to start to see a big difference quickly. These areas only need the bare minimum on them – try to stick to the rule of 3. You can have 3 items on a single surface, and the rest has to stay clear. This can be difficult at first, but you’ll find yourself picking your preferred items and can often find some stunning ways to display them too.
Clearing space around your home will help to relax your mind and let you feel more at ease, lessening the strain on your mental health and giving yourself a much-needed lift.
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