Foreclosure is a very serious matter, it can be so hard to figure it out on your own. With the help of a great lawyer however, you can figure it out and you may even be able to reverse your foreclosure and save your home. A great South Florida foreclosure lawyer is going to be able to help you get your foreclosure under control.
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What is Foreclosure?
Foreclosure is a process by which the bank or the person that holds the loan on a home or property files a motion to take the home back and evict the people living there on the basis that they are not repaying the loan. In most cases, the individual has to go a very long time without paying their debt before they can be foreclosed on. The bank or lender has to give the family options and has to attempt to help them figure out a repayment plan before they can simply file for foreclosure.
Foreclosure is a very long process, this can take months to get done and can take a very long time to figure out. It can take months for someone to be fully foreclosed on and it does reflect on their credit report and can affect their ability to get a loan in the future or get more credit down the line.
What is Mortgage Forbearance?
In times when repayment is very difficult, as it was for many during the COVID-19 pandemic, banks have been told to issue mortgage forbearance. Forbearance means that you do not have to pay your mortgage for a time until you are able to pay again. You do have to file for forbearance however, you cannot simply allow your home to go into foreclosure then claim that you needed forbearance.
Not all people are eligible for forbearance, you do have to prove that you need help, you have to prove that you are not able to pay and that you do qualify for forbearance. The right attorney is going to be able to collect the right information to help you get your forbearance approved and figure out what is going to work. Your attorney can also help you figure out what motions are going to work best for you, what you are qualified for, and what you may be able to use in your favor.
How Can a Lawyer Help?
Lawyers are your best bet when it comes to fighting back against your foreclosure and start to save your home. Now, when should you get an attorney and when should you start the process of fighting back? The best chance of being able to fight back against a foreclosure comes with quick action and taking the time to do what you can as quickly as possible.
If you are dealing with a potential foreclosure, you should talk with an attorney as quickly as possible so that they can start to figure out how to proceed and what motions they need to file. If you do act quickly you can get your forbearance filed, you can get the foreclosure dismissed or stalled, and you can even work with your lender to alter your repayment plan so that you can figure out what steps to take next.
With the help of a lawyer you can figure out what steps are going to be easiest, you are going to be able to figure out what steps are going to be the most effective, and you are going to be able to get things going. Lawyers are going to be able to help you figure out what works best, what is not going to work, and what is going to be needed to get your fore closure stopped.
The right lawyer is going to be able to help you make the right motions, they are well versed in what laws apply and what relief options there are for you out there to help you pay your mortgage and keep your home. With the help of a lawyer, you can fight your foreclosure and you can get your case taken care of so that you can stay in your home and so that you can stop worrying about being kicked out.
Foreclosure can be traumatic, it can be hard to deal with, and it can make your life very hard to deal with. With the help of a great lawyer, you can get the support and the care that you need and you can move forward so that you do not have to lose your home and so that you do not have to fear being thrown out or losing your home because you simply cannot pay your mortgage. There is hope and a great lawyer can help you move forward and move past your foreclosure.