Since the onset of the novel Covid 19 pandemic, addiction treatment centers have had to make drastic changes as to how they operate both as businesses and as community centers. Addiction treatment centers generally operate in one of two ways. Addiction treatment centers can be large facilities, wherein individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are mandated to recover medically through rehabilitation. There are also addiction treatment centers that operate more along the lines of a normal residence, but with drug testing protocols and meeting attendance requirements at play. Both types of facilities have had to experience serious changes since the Covid 19 epidemic came about.
Sanitation is now a huge concern in addiction treatment centers, to a far greater degree than prior to the onset of the pandemic. Centers have been forced to consider the residential premises as potential breeding grounds for covid 19. Those who run and operate the centers now view the facilities with consideration of where the major touchpoints are. Touchpoints is a term that refers to the locations where the novel coronavirus is most likely to be spread. For example, doorways and entrances to rooms are considered touchpoints. They are hot spots for the contraction of coronavirus because many people come into contact with these areas and these many people do so frequently. Touchpoints are rated by risk according to how many people come into contact with the touchpoint and also by home often people come into contact with the touchpoint. The more people who come into contact with a touchpoint, the greater risk the touchpoint carries of contracting Covid 19.
Facility owners are mapping residences by touchpoints. Doorways, doors, and doorknobs must be frequently cleaned and disinfected. The floor at entryways must be mopped with sanitization materials such as bleach. Couches and communal furniture in shared living areas are considered high risk touchpoints. These must be regularly shampooed with disinfectant or wiped down with disinfectant. They must be vaccumed and the vacuum bag disposed of. The kitchen, and most especially the fixtures in the kitchen, are considered high risk hot spots, as well. This is because many people come into contact with this area and additionally consume foods in this area. The restroom is another hot spot for coronavirus and there has been much bleaching and disinfecting in this type of area of the house.
Social Distancing
Those who live communally in addiction treatment centers now must sleep six feet apart from one another. Sharing the restroom is no longer an option for those who reside in houses with smaller restrooms. Residents are encouraged to wipe down all surfaces in the restroom with disinfectant after use. Additionally, the kitchen has become an area only for solo food preparation.
The coronavirus has removed much of the ability to share space in areas where community is usually fostered, such as in cooking. In addiction treatment centers where the kitchen is operated commercially, kitchen workers must now ensure to work six feet apart from one another. Additionally, sanitization of the cooking area has been placed on strong emphasis so as not to become a touchpoint prior to distributing food to residents. Residents are encouraged to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner six feet apart from other fellow residents.
Cleaning Efforts
When taking out the trash and cleaning the common areas, workers are encouraged to wear gloves. Of course all residents of both large facilities and small group homes are mandated to wear masks that cover the face and hide much emotional expression beneath the mask. Communication is hindered by the coronavirus, but still thrives in close cohabitation friendships.
Overall, addiction treatment centers have had to make many adjustments around the novel coronavirus onset. This means that residents of large treatment centers and small residential centers have ended up reducing physical social contact, but have for the most part maintained social contact among residents. Extra cleaning procedures have been put into play.