Running a business takes a certain level of dedication, drive, and self-awareness. Not everyone can succeed as an entrepreneur or business owner, which is probably why 20% of all businesses fail within the first year. Some of the top reasons for this include lack of capital, inadequate management, a faulty business model, and unsuccessful marketing efforts.
While it’s not listed as a leading cause of business failure, addiction can also interfere with your success. After all, an addict can’t efficiently run a business for several reasons including being unreliable, not properly allocating funds, and making poor decisions. But drug and alcohol addiction aren’t the only ones plaguing many Americans.
Porn addiction affects nearly 10% of the adult population. While you might be thinking that what goes on behind closed doors doesn’t impact a person’s professional life, you’d be sadly mistaken. The rise in people looking for porn addiction therapy, including Stop Together’s online course, is extraordinary – the number of people affected by this type of condition is rising.
Here we’ll explore just how serious porn addiction is and how it can ruin a flourishing business.
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Create Financial Hardship
Sure, the Internet is riddled with free porn. Unfortunately, for many addicts, the free stuff just isn’t good enough. While it may satisfy your cravings in the beginning, over time, many porn addicts crave exclusive content or pornographic material that is taboo and even violent or illegal.
Gaining access to this sort of content doesn’t come for free. With money at their disposal, many porn addicts that also double as business owners may find it tempting to tap into the company funds to support their habit. Spending frivolously on porn subscriptions, videos, or live webcams can add up fast. Porn addiction can also act as a slippery slope into more dangerous and illegal behavior like prostitution, compromising not only your bank account but your morals and legal standing in the local community.
Dishonest Behaviors
No one wants to do business with someone they don’t trust. Honesty and trustworthiness are two key components of running a successful business. In fact, 81% of customers say they won’t patronize a business if they don’t trust it. Unfortunately, dishonesty and addiction often go hand-in-hand. This is especially true when discussing porn addiction.
Many porn addicts are ashamed or embarrassed by their addiction. You may find yourself lying to those closest to you, including friends, family, business partners, and employees. Lying can lead to sneaking around and being dishonest in all aspects of your professional and personal life. Porn addicts may feel compelled to lie to hide their addiction but also indulge in it. It’s very similar to sex addicts, and you should seek help. Sexual addiction counselling is also a good option since it falls under the same category. Nevertheless, you should find a reliable treatment.
Becoming Unreliable and Irresponsible
To say owning a business takes a certain level of responsibility and reliability is an understatement. It’s difficult to run a successful company without being responsible for yourself, your finances, and the businesses’ daily operations. Porn addiction can interfere with your ability to perform your duties. This may lead to missed appointments or meetings, costly errors, and tardiness.
As the business owner, you’re the captain of the ship. All of your employees, associates and customers look to you for guidance and direction. When porn addiction is controlling your life, you’re no longer the one calling the shots. You may find yourself becoming forgetful and confused. Porn addicts can find it difficult to focus on anything but their desire to view pornography. Lack of focus isn’t a luxury that entrepreneurs have.
Mood Swings
Business owners must be pleasant, calm, and approachable. This serves you well when interacting with customers, employees, and fellow entrepreneurs. Your porn addiction may be affecting your personality in more ways than one.
Addiction can cause mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and even depression. If you can’t satisfy your urges or satisfy your sexual needs, you may become frustrated and irritable. This is especially true if you use porn and masturbation as a form of stress relief. Many porn addicts turn to viewing porn and masturbating to help reduce stress and relax. When you can’t do this, you may become visibly upset.
The shame and guilt associated with porn addiction can also manifest into depression. Porn addiction is an isolating experience. Because many addicts keep it a secret, they feel alone in their struggles. Trying to hide your addiction only furthers those feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can send you into a state of depression. This is a dangerous place to be for anyone, but as a business owner, you may be unable to perform your job efficiently and people will take notice.
A decline in Physical Health
In extreme cases of porn addiction where intervention is necessary, you may find your physical health declining. In addition to the risk of depression and mood swings, porn addicts can experience headaches, blurred vision, neck and back pain, poor hygiene, and even ED in men.
Appearance means a lot as an entrepreneur. After all, you’re the face of your business. By letting your personal hygiene go to the wayside, you may appear disorganized and disheveled rather than confident, assertive, and professional. First impressions mean a lot in business, so letting yourself go physically isn’t an option. Headaches, blurred vision, and neck and back pain can happen in extreme cases where addicts spend hours a day hunched over a computer or staring at their smartphone viewing porn. Without being in top physical condition, you can’t possibly keep up with the major demands of business ownership.
Lack of Creativity
It takes an innovative mind to run a successful business or launch a brand new concept. You need a fresh, clear mind to pitch ideas and transform your visions into reality. One thing many porn addicts struggle with is mental focus and clarity. Not only is your mind consumed with pornographic thoughts and fantasies but you may be preoccupied with planning when you’ll be able to view porn again. This makes it difficult to focus on much else.
Entrepreneurs need to think on their feet and be ready to solve a problem at a moment’s notice. This takes quick thinking and assertive action. Porn addicts may fail to command a situation and problem solve because their minds are fuzzy or preoccupied with other things. This can lead to costly or even career-ending mistakes.
Don’t Let Porn Be the Downfall of Your Business
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Do you have the next great business idea? If so, the world is your oyster! If you have the drive, passion, and determination, nothing can stand in your way. That is, unless you face porn addiction.
Addiction is a dangerous force that consumes all aspects of your life. Left untreated, porn addiction can rob you of your hopes, dreams, and revenue. Don’t let porn addiction be the downfall of your success. By treating your porn addiction now, you can embrace your entrepreneurial spirit with a clear mind and laser focus.