Getting tested for HIV is quicker than you might think. It is essential to get yourself tested as earliest as possible because then there are chances that you might get to live the remainder of your life. However, ignorance regarding HIV testing may end up costing you your life.
- How Does it Spread?
If one is sexually active and has doubts about exposure to someone with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), then they should get tested regularly. This also counts for people who use condoms regularly. Remember that prevention is better than cure. HIV can be transmitted through unprotected sex. People who have been diagnosed with other STIs recently should also make it a point to test themselves for the same. Other ways of transmitting HIV can occur when injecting equipment such as needles are shared by many patients at a hospital. This should be avoided at all costs, and new needles should be used for people.
- When should One get Tested?
Even if one thinks that they may not have HIV, it is still better to get tested and put your mind at ease for good. One should make sure that they are tested within three months to three weeks after any risky encounter, as the HIV antibodies appear within this time in someone who has been infected. The best option is to go for the HIV RNA test, as soon as possible as delays can further complicate the matter.
- How is the Test Carried Out?
There is no need to be scared about doing an HIV test in Montreal, as it is not as horrible as one might think. It takes little time, and the test is done quickly. A saliva sample of the patient is used to determine the results of the test, as the two main modes of transmission of HIV are through biological liquids as well as direct blood. In the same way, a blood test can also determine whether or not you are tested positive for HIV. Neither of these two tests, saliva tests or blood tests, is painful at all. So you should rest assured that you are in good hands and there is nothing to fear.
If one takes the test and is tested positive, then they can use protection such as condoms for the prevention of transferring HIV to their partner. In this way, they can look out for their partner’s well-being. Antiretroviral treatments will be commenced for those tested positive, and these will help in lowering the HIV levels found in their body. By doing this, it will ensure that you do not further spread HIV to other people. It has so been made possible that by undergoing this antiretroviral treatment, the HIV levels in one’s body can be lowered to such an extent that, in many cases, they are almost undetected. If that is the case, then you are no longer able to spread HIV through sexual contact. However, you still should try to keep getting yourself monitored for safety measures.
All in all, to ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones around you, you need to get yourself tested as soon as possible. It will help you in clearing your doubts and guide you towards receiving the correct information to continue your life.