Office moves can be really stressful, and you can even find that you lose money if the move isn’t done properly and in good time. If the move has not been planned well, or does not go to plan, there can even be repercussions long after the move has finished and you’re trying to settle into your new working space.
Luckily, with the right preparation and actions throughout the process, it can run smoothly and be as minimally disruptive to your office move as possible. To help you, here are some top tips for a hitch-free business move:
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Decluttering isn’t just for the home, it’s also really important for the office too, especially as you’re moving to a new office. Why pack and transport items you no longer need? Simply go through every area removing broken or unused furniture, equipment and paperwork suitable for destruction and get it sold or disposed of before you start packing for the move.
You’ll save a lot of money on affordable self storage and transportation, and you’ll have no clutter to deal with in your new space either, giving you plenty of room to utilise for operations. You can compare self storage prices here.
You can also use local self storage to keep your office clutter in until such a time you’re able to sell it or have it properly disposed of. This is especially important with paper waste and the associated legalities of disposing sensitive documents.
Do Not Allow Staff To Move Heavy Items
It is so important you keep health and safety at the top of your list whilst you move offices. Having staff move heavy items could result in their injury, and you having to pay out compensation. Ideally, you will have trolleys and other items to help you to move heavier items, and perhaps qualified removals people to get the trickiest items from A to B.
Have A Project Manager
A project manager is a really useful person to have when you’re moving offices. It could be somebody from your organisation with the correct qualifications, or a hired project manager. Either way, it is somebody who knows how to coordinate all the different elements of an office move so that things stick to the timescales and milestones, and don’t run over budget.
Deep Clean
You’ll want to deep clean both your old and new office. The reason for deep cleaning your old office is to ensure you don’t have any issues with the landlord/ owner of the office once you leave. They won’t have any issues charging you for items you leave that they need to clear, or for very dirty areas that require them to get specialist cleaning services in. When it comes to your new office, you should give it a really thorough deep clean so that it is free from bacteria and dust, which may have accumulated from the previous tenancy or from it being empty for a prolonged period. A deep clean will also identify any issues like pest problems or dampness before the office is fitted out, which is easier dealt with before all the furniture and other items are moved in.
Utilise The Floor Plan
The new office will have a floor plan which details where everything is and the way those areas are accessed. It is a great idea to label everything in the office according to the new floor plan, so that items are moved to the correct areas to be unpacked.
You can then also prioritise which area is the priority to unpack, and also which area might be used to store items that are not the priority to unpack. For example: if filling an area with items will obstruct its use, make it unsafe or prevent items being unpacked property, it is important to designate a storage space for them until such a time they can be unpacked. If this is a problem, London self storage will be useful.
You can use local self storage to store items before they can be unpacked in the office, or even keep them there long term if that helps you make the most of the office space you rent. For example; the storage of paperwork and filed items is a common business use of affordable self storage.
Stage Your Move
Depending on the type of business you run, it could be worthwhile staging your move. For some businesses, moving everything in one go overnight makes the most sense. For others, a slow move with different departments moving in stages is a better idea. For example: a call centre dependent on the technology of various computer systems would require a staged move where certain technologies can be set up in the new office, whilst a backup system continues to keep the remaining operations in the old office going. These kinds of staged moves are imperative for businesses that simply cannot go offline.
Consider A Removals Company
A removals company can be an incredible asset to an office move, but they do cost a little money, so you have to be sure you can’t do the move yourself. For a fee, they will move everything from office to office, and for a little more, they can even package everything up for you. If you have the means to splash out on this kind of service, it’s definitely worth the investment for an easy life.
Ensure Parking/ Access
It is important to check the access and parking around your office so you know how easy it will be to move furniture and other bulky items from A to B. There could be parking restrictions, issues with events that block the entrance to the building, security risks and other problems you don’t want to find out about when you’re in the process of moving. By knowing the best time to move based on parking restrictions and access you can avoid a lot of stress come moving day.
You’re Nearly Ready For Your Office Move!
The tips above can help you to have a much more efficient and stress-free office moving day. Now all you need to do is get it all planned and completed, and hopefully soon enough you’ll be thriving in your new place in no time!