While for most people, careers are often hinged on a choice they made very early on in their lives—perhaps in high school or college—others have to embark on a personal journey to find their calling. Others still often live through and explore multiple passions before they find the one they want to pursue for the rest of their lives. And while this may come off as indecisive, it is actually a metric of growth. They say, “do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life,” and while there’s a lot of truth to be found in that, what remains unsaid is that course correction and changing passions as you grow is also part of the journey.
Adhering to the same principle of growth and the importance of following one’s dream, Brandon Carillo, an athlete who won gold in the heavyweight category, decided to pursue his passion for acting. He explains that his love for the craft drove him to act. Despite having had a successful career as an athlete, he believed his true calling was to join the entertainment industry.
The transition, however, was not easy—it never is. After being selected to play the lead role in a biopic, Brandon could see that this was the break he needed. However, a week before the shoot began, coronavirus hit, and the film producers halted production. He says, “It’s a constant back and forth. You start seeing the light, thinking, ‘the time has come,’ but a setback like this could be just around the corner. Good and bad are harmonious, and they are part of life. It’s keeping a positive outlook on things and doing your best that gets you places. I just always tend to remind myself that I make my own decisions. I am the master of my own fate.”
He never quit or gave up on his first passion and doesn’t intend to do it with this one. He believes that things are started to be finished—quitting halfway through is not an option. Instead of focusing on the long term or dwelling on how something might impact his ambition, he focuses on the things that he can control. He doubles down and works hard for what he wants every day because that is what brings him happiness. Due to his experience transitioning his career, he has plenty of tips for passionate upcoming actors. He explains that one should not think a lot about anything, as overthinking is the killer of joy. And life is not worth anything if we suck the fun out of it. “If you want to do something, give it your all but do not overthink your decisions,” he says. “Rather, enjoy your life and stay dedicated to the craft. As long as you are good at your craft, the universe will find a way to give back to you—in ways you cannot even imagine.”
Brandon fell in love with the craft because it allowed him the freedom to be anyone he wanted. Even if it was on screen, he could don many hats and play different roles to essentially experience life as someone else. From Brandon’s experience – one can learn a lot. But the most important thing is knowing how to control your life. Brandon quotes that you should have ambition in your life. But you understand that there is only little that human beings have control over. But we do have control over our happiness. Therefore, never outsource the source of your happiness. You will have plenty of bumps in your life, but do not let them rob you of your happiness.