The lending process can be lengthy. Lenders are often required to run credit history and take other personal finance history into account from potential borrowers. With hard money loans (loans secured by real property), you can easily and quickly get the funding you need for real estate transactions.
Hard money loans from Monroe Funding Corp are based on the property condition and value and not the creditworthiness of potential borrowers. Traditional lenders (banks) do not issue hard money loans. It can take a while to receive funding through these institutions. Monroe Funding Corp investors operate all across Florida:
- Hillsborough County (Tampa)
- Manatee County
- Sarasota County
- Charlotte County
- Pinellas County
- Lee County (Ft. Meyers)
- Collier County (Naples)
- Monroe County
- Broward County (Ft. Lauderdale)
- Miami-Dade County (Miami)
- Palm Beach County
- Martin County
- Saint Lucie County
- Orange County (Orlando)
Through us, you can move forward with registering and borrowing quickly. Hard money loans can help borrowed leverage and multiply purchasing power. If you are looking to refinance or cash out of existing investment properties or want to raise capital for your next real estate purchase, hard money loans may be the right option for you. To get started, fill out our loan application with the subject property address along with your contact information.
Our team will make the closing process a smooth and virtually hassle-free one. Just choose the loan program that suits your needs, and from there, we will forward the pre-approval letters and/or proof of funds to submit the offer. Once this is completed, you can prepare to close. Hard money loans from Monroe Funding Corp (who also issues Florida commercial mortgages) are a great avenue to pursue the acquisition of non-owner-occupied real estate.