Are you passionate about beer and possibly want to become the next Melvin Brewing?
Today I’m going to be discussing everything you need to know about what is a beer entrepreneur and why people should become one.
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What is a beer entrepreneur and why should I become one?
A beer entrepreneur could mean the person that owns their own distributorship or brewery business. A distributorship is when they act as the middleman between the brewery and retail store or restaurant. A brewery is a place where the beer is actually made. They are one in the same, many people just use these terms to differentiate what they do.
Why should I become a beer entrepreneur?
This job comes with great perks such as making tons of money and having free time to spend on things you enjoy doing.
The types of beers you can brew
When making your own beer, you are able to make any type of beer that is out there.
As long as it is made with the correct ingredients and follow proper guidelines then of course!
How to start your own brewery or distributorship
Now of course this decision will only come down to two things, money and time.
First, you need money to start your own brewery or distributorship so it is advised that you have about $300,000 to $500,000 dollars saved up before ever considering this venture.
Once you have the liquid capital at hand you can begin purchasing equipment for brewing beer. Other factors such as licenses and permits are necessities when pursuing this job. Getting in touch with brewery insurance specialists would also be extremely helpful to cover your new business.
Brewing equipment needed for the job
Now there are different types of brewing equipment you can buy but in order to be successful at your business, these are some things that will help you start off strong.
- A Mash tun cooler, boiler, or hot liquor tank
- An in line heating device such as a steam-jacketed kettle or direct fired kettle
- A wort boiling system such as an aluminum-clad heat exchanger, auger pump, or closed-loop natural gas burner
- A cooling system such as a counterflow chiller, plate, and frame heat exchanger, immersion chiller, or recirculating glycol chiller
- Fermenters such as cylindroconical vessels, open fermenters, or conical fermenters
- A bright beer tank for finished product storage and packaging
- Carbon dioxide tanks
Beer entrepreneurship pros and cons
As stated before, the perks of this job are making money and having free time to do what you like.
The cons would be, starting off with large capital needed, getting permits and licenses can take up several months of your time, little to no room for failure.
Tips on how to succeed as a beer entrepreneur
One tip on how to succeed as a beer entrepreneur would be to make sure you do your research and know what you are doing. This job is not easy and money is on the line so make sure you take it seriously and go into business with a plan.
If you want to become a beer entrepreneur or already are one, I hope this article has helped you in some way. If there is anything I missed please be sure to comment below and let me know. Thanks for reading and have a great day!