When you consider the things that will constitute good jobs in the future, do you think of clean, renewable energy? You should. The clean energy industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors, and it will continue to develop rapidly into the future. Companies like Green Development LLC are poised to drive job growth in 2021 and beyond.
The economics of domestic energy production is changing rapidly. Non-renewable energy sources are quickly becoming economically unsustainable – even beyond their negative environmental impact. In the following article, we will examine how clean energy occupations represent the future of good, high-paying jobs in the United States.
Misplaced Concerns About Industry Disruption and Job Loss
The consumption of coal in the U.S. fell 4% during 2018, the latest in a decades-long downward trend that is expected to continue. Coal and other non-renewables have become as expensive as the clean alternatives, and in some cases, cost much more.
Some people believe that the decrease in fossil fuel production and the accompanying increase in clean energy production will create widespread unemployment. However, these concerns are not supported by the data. The clean energy industry is providing workers with a huge number of new jobs, and is only expected to continue growing.
Solar photovoltaic installers and wind turbine service technicians are expected to show the highest growth percentage of any two occupations through 2028. The fact that the clean energy sector is new also means that more workers are needed. In other words, clean energy creates more jobs than non-renewable energy will.
Apart from the economics of the situation, clean energy work is typically safer and better-paying than similar jobs in non-renewable sectors.
Renewable Energy Jobs Utilize Familiar Skillsets
The jobs provided by companies like Green Development LLC can offer workers exciting opportunities.
Though not always publicized by the media or inherently clear to the public, occupations in the clean energy sector often require many of the same mechanical skills as jobs in the non-renewable industry. Because of this, some workers, such as ex-oil employees, are transitioning to clean employment in search of a more stable career.
Good Paying Green Jobs
Another concern that some people have regarding clean energy development is pay. Here again, workers have more to gain than to lose by transitioning to clean energy jobs.
As noted, wind turbine service technicians represent the fastest-growing domestic occupation right now. The median salary of service technicians is $53,000.
Research from the Brookings Institute found that a clean energy job can result in an income increase of 8-19%. Renewable energy workers also make more than those with similar education levels in other industries.
These types of good-paying jobs do not appear only in a few states. Many of the areas benefitting from the growth of clean energy are the same areas that previously provided non-renewable energy.
As you can see, companies like Green Development LLC are leading the way for U.S. workers. Clean energy jobs represent safer, cleaner, and better-paying than their non-renewable energy counterparts.
About Green Development LLC
Green Development LLC is the leading developer of utility-scale renewable energy projects in Rhode Island, specializing in wind, solar, and battery storage. Green Development is devoted to preserving farmland, reducing water and air pollution, increasing energy security, and creating local jobs. The company delivers significant energy savings to municipalities, quasi-public entities, nonprofits, and other qualified entities through the virtual net metering program while providing long-term lease payments to landowners and farmers.