If you’re a fan of Peacock, the live streaming app that’s been all the rage lately, you may have noticed that closed captions are enabled by default. While this feature can come in handy if you need to catch up on something you missed while your phone was in your pocket, it can also be a bit of a nuisance if you don’t need or want it. Luckily, disabling closed captions is relatively easy. Here’s how:
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Open the Peacock app and select the channel you want to watch.
Peacock TV is a great way to watch your favorite shows and movies. But what if you want to watch your shows without the closed captioning? Here’s how to turn it off: Open the Peacock app and go to Settings. Under Closed Captioning, select “Off.” This will turn off the closed captioning for all channels on Peacock TV. You can also turn off closed captioning for individual channels by selecting the channel you want to watch and then turning off the “Closed Captioning” option in the channel’s settings menu. Whether you’re watching your favorite show or movie with or without closed captioning, Peacock TV is a great way to enjoy your entertainment. Thanks for choosing Peacock!
Tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen to open the main menu.
Closed captioning can be a useful tool for viewers who are hard of hearing or who want to watch a show in a noisy environment. However, it can also be a distraction for other viewers. If you find yourself in the latter group, you’ll be happy to know that it’s easy. How to turn off closed caption on Peacock Just tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen to open the main menu, then select “Settings.” From there, you’ll see an option to turn off closed captioning. Once you’ve made your selection, just hit “OK” and you’re all set. So go ahead and enjoy your favorite shows without having to worry about those pesky captions getting in the way.
Scroll down and tap on “Settings.”
You can find the closed captioning options under “Settings.” Scroll down and tap on “Settings.” Then, tap on “Accessibility.” Next, tap on “Subtitles and Captioning.” Finally, tap on “Off.” This will turn off the closed captioning. If you want to turn it back on, just follow the same steps and tap on “On” instead. You can also adjust the font size, color, and background opacity to suit your preferences.
Toggle off “closed captions” at the bottom of the screen. You’re done!
For those who are not familiar, closed captioning is a text version of the dialogue and narration that is played along with a television show or movie. This can be helpful for those who are hard of hearing or want to watch a show in a noisy environment. However, some people find closed captioning to be annoying or distracting. If you fall into this camp, you’ll be happy to know that it’s generally very easy to turn off. On the popular streaming service Peacock, all you need to do is toggle off the “closed captions” option at the bottom of the screen. Once you do this, the captions will no longer appear, and you can enjoy your show or movie without any distractions.
If you’re done watching Peacock and would like to turn off closed captioning, follow these four easy steps. Closed captioning can be a great way to improve your experience when watching TV, but it’s easy to disable it when you’re finished. We hope you find this guide helpful!