A majority of the marketing agencies perform business by promising results and working to provide those results but then falling short. It is a significant waste of time and money for many companies. Cyle Patnode is a marketing entrepreneur that has created a solution to this issue. To combat the issue with most marketing agencies he decided to create his own, he is the Founder and President of Case Engine Media digital marketing agency. Cyle is only 27 years old but has already made a huge impact on the marketing industry. He has been featured in many large media outlets, like Forbes and Entrepreneur, to provide his insight on how the marketing industry operates as well as SEO. He has lots of information to offer from his many years of experience.
Cyle’s expertise in SEO and leadership has guided his agency and through it, they have been able to increase their client’s ROI to 500% or more in some cases, with their Holistic Marketing Framework. Cyle has used all of his experience and expertise to set his agency up with the necessary skills to create impressive results every time. They are so sure that their team will deliver on their results that they are one of the very few agencies in the world to offer a money-back guarantee. Every client is entitled to their money back if Cyle and his team do not deliver on their promises.
This confidence is only possible because of the experience and unmatched leadership that Cyle provides for his agency. He always ensures that his agency is performing at its maximum capacity and has many client testimonials to support its five-step process. The first step is to meet and consult with their client to better understand the business and goals of the client. After they set up their plan they use their software to perform an in-depth audit to identify and correct all of the errors within their client’s website. Once they correct the flaws they research and create a cost-effective plan to get the client’s website at the top of the Google search. After their research, they begin implementing their marketing tactics to increase traffic and for the last step, they continue to watch their clients and make sure that they are receiving the results that they were promised.
All of this work is very meticulous and takes lots of effort but it is simply the extra mile that Cyle goes for all of his clients. Because of this extra work, Cyle’s agency has been able to provide its clients with the top 1% of the worlds best digital marketing services.