If a penny saved is a penny earned, restaurants need to save dollars right now, not just pennies — business is understandably slow. However, you and your competitors are all up against the same pandemic.
If you want to outlast them, finding extra efficiencies in operating your business could prove to be the difference. Here are a few recommendations that will help you.
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Get Smart Modern Restaurant Technology
Now, savvy restaurants rely on smart tech like employee scheduling software for multiple reasons. Right off the bat, it can shave off up to 80% of the time it takes for your employees to create a schedule, resulting in a 1-3% reduction in labor costs.
Employee scheduling software is also a powerful platform for seamless communication. Let employees tell their manager remotely when they can work, swap shifts easily within the app, and more. This software even features a modern time clock and manager-facing dashboard, which displays a wealth of important economic data underlying your business.
Use technology like restaurant scheduling software to make your restaurant a simpler place to work. Perhaps more importantly, you’ll save valuable time and money.
Avoid Wasting Money on What Only Worked Yesterday
Some investments may have been worth it for your restaurant this time last year, but they no longer make as much sense. You are not the only person wondering are POS worth the costs right now, given how the restaurant business has changed.
You may not be serving as many customers inside your restaurant. But POS systems also offer a range of crucial financial management information about pricing, revenues, costs, profits, payrolls, and more.
No two restaurants are the same. If you have a tiny operation pivoting now towards barbequing right on the street, this may not be the ideal time for such a large investment. Bigger restaurant operations, especially chains, may opt for POS systems or other modern technology to keep their operations streamlined for things like delivery or takeout.
Get the Most Out of Your Food
Food costs are often one of the biggest expenses facing a restaurant. The last thing a manager wants to see, then, is food wastage — they see cash slowly going bad in the vegetable crisper, for example, not vegetables.
Make sure that your restaurant uses up the food it buys while it’s still fresh. To help prevent food from turning stale before it’s used, make sure to store the freshest food behind what needs to be used up first.
No restaurant should ever serve food that isn’t fresh, but there are creative ways to utilize food that’s beginning to turn. For example, you wouldn’t serve a non-fresh berry in a dessert, but you might use it in sangria or a cocktail.
Efficiency is vital in any business, especially for restaurants at this moment. If you utilize technology that will help your business, avoid the tech that isn’t worth the money, and get the most mileage from the food you buy, your restaurant will be much better positioned to succeed.