When it comes to bed bugs it is tempting to think of them as somewhat exotic pests found in warmer climates perhaps. Nothing could be further from the truth. These nasty little blood-sucking parasites are flourishing all over the world, including right here in the UK. The reality is that wherever there are plenty of humans to feed on, there will be plenty of bed bugs feeding. It sounds alarming and it is. When it comes to bed bug pest control London now has some of the foremost experts in the world bar none.
It is important to understand that these tiny parasitic insects are every bit as robust as their cockroach cousins and, arguably, present a far greater health hazard. Sharing your bed with a colony of bed bugs isn’t just an unpleasant thought, it presents a real and legitimate health hazard. Bed bug bites are not usually painful at the time but they can become inflamed and infected if the skin is broken due to relentless itching. If you have what you suspect to be bed bug bites and they start to look infected in any way, it is highly recommended that you consult a doctor straight away.
The next thing to do is to deal with the problem by calling in the experts. With regard to bed bug pest control, London has plenty of companies to choose from but that doesn’t mean you should just choose a company at random. It is important to use a reputable company because getting rid of bed bugs is no easy undertaking and is something that even the professionals themselves have to carefully plan and execute in order to be successful. The problem is, one single female bed bug can lay up to five hundred eggs in her lifetime and so anything short of the complete eradication of a bed bug colony will see the infestation persist.
When it comes to bed bug treatment pest control London has a number of companies to choose from. In order to make an informed choice you should consider asking the following five questions:
- How long has the company been in the business of eliminating bed bugs?
Bed bugs are a worthy adversary to any pest control company. You want to ensure that the company you hire has plenty of experience in getting rid of these diminutive pests.
- What methods and treatments do they employ?
There is a range of treatments available including temperature treatments and pesticides. It is important to know which treatments the company typically employs.
- What aftercare do they provide?
A bed bug infestation is rarely cured with just one visit. Ask about their proposed schedule of follow up visits to check if the infestation has indeed been completely eliminated.
- What guarantees, if any, do they offer?
Good and reputable companies are usually always willing to guarantee their products or service.
- What are their prices?
Price should never be your only consideration when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs but you want to ensure that you are at least paying a fair price.