AHCC is derived from the mycelium of mushrooms (phylum basidiomycetes) and is a combination of polysaccharides, amino acids, lipids, and minerals. The sales of these mushroom-related products tops $9 Billion worldwide each year.
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The Ways This Shiitake Mushroom Compound Can Help Your Health
Does AHCC really work? Here are some things that are potentially helped by this interesting supplement:
- Strengthens Your Immune System – the effects of AHCC on most of the main fighting cells of the immune system is pretty impressive. Enthusiasts say that they rarely catch colds and that they are healthier in general than before they started taking regular doses of shiitake compounds. There is not enough evidence from science to see any link with autoimmune diseases like HIV, MS, Addison’s Disease, Lupus, Lyme’s Disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chrone’s Disease, Narcolepsy, Psoriasis, Pernicious Anemia, Meniere’s disease, Restless Leg Syndrome, Type I Diabetes, Kawasaki disease, or Ulcerative Colitis – but that does not mean that people with these issues do not find that their symptoms improve with the use of the compound. HPV has a most definite link to the use of this compound, and limited studies have shown amazing effects with that when treatment of this exciting product is given daily.
- Potentially Anti-Cancer – as stated above, HPV, which leads to cervical cancer (potentially), is very possibly affected in amazingly positive ways by the compound. Those who subscribe to the theory of “Free Radicals” are impressed by the anti-free radical effects of it.
- May Reduce Chemotherapy Side-Effects – although there are side effects of taking this unique compound that may include nausea and gastric upset, chemo patients have noted a positive difference in their symptoms with concurrent HPV therapy.
- May Reduce The Symptoms of IBS (Inflammatory or Irritable Bowel Syndrome) – This common GI issue, which can lead to cancer, and can scar the colon to the point of needing to use a colostomy after the removal of lengths of the colon, has had many sufferers who believe that AHCC makes their symptoms minimize markedly.
- Helping Fight Colds and the Flu: As stated previously, this common and frequent malady that causes work loss, and can be life-threatening in certain cases in the elderly, the immune-suppressed, and in infants and children, has been shown to be lessened in incidence and symptoms with concurrent AHCC therapy.
Lots Of Evidence To Show It Is Effective
This is a pretty impressive list, to be fair. And anecdotal evidence is strong that there is a direct link to all of these things that are based on pretty solid scientific reasons.
One of the most interesting effects of this compound on the body’s production of several types of human cells that are responsible for fighting illness. It also affects the production of T-cells, which is a cell that has been associated with potentially becoming cancer-causing when it leads to the production of abnormal body cells later. The T-cell is a “stem cell”, which is kind of like the cells that embryos have, that can differentiate into several different kinds of tissue.
When these cells become damaged, it is postulated that they lead to the abnormal tissue that is in a tumor.
One Of The Most Promising Supplements Out There
Some of the actions that people say they feel or have after taking a dosed regimen of the compound are unknown, or at the very least the mechanisms behind why they occur are vague. The dosage and frequency are always the same in adults, and use in children and pregnant or lactating women is not recommended by most doctors, as there is very little data about how it will affect these groups of people.
The hope that scientists delve deeper into this amazingly high-potential supplement to find out more uses is shared by many enthusiasts, who swear by this reasonably priced alternative medicine staple.