As much as cosmetic advertising will have you believe, there is more to fantastic-looking looking skin than the regular use of an exfoliating cleanser. Sure, much of the dead skin is removed during this part, but that’s not enough to leave you with vibrant skin.
That’s because exfoliation is a multi-stepped process that calls for the use of the right kind of products. Gently is the watchword as you want to treat your skin with kid gloves and what you do after you exfoliate is just as important when it comes to trying to achieve younger-looking skin. By reading on, we’ll offer up three tips on what to do post-exfoliation to make sure your skin looks awesome and new.
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Tip #1 – Letting Your Skin Relax After Exfoliating Cleanser
Usually, after you’ve exfoliated, your skin is more tender than usual, which is why it’s vital that you give it the right amount of time to recover. Time lets it repair and calm itself down.
If you use a Vitamin C based-product directly after an exfoliating cleanser, you’re usually ok if the cleanser is nice and gentle. However, harsher exfoliation products can really irritate your skin and leave them very sensitive. You wouldn’t scrub directly over an open wound, so it’s important to use soothing products above all else.
Instead of saying not to use products with vitamin c after, we need to determine what type of exfoliation. If it’s a gentle exfoliation like with our Exfoliating Cleanser, it can be used right after. If something harsher, it would need a certain time frame as a break. If even more severe, then what’s written is fine.
Tip #2 – Starting Using a Moisturizer With Natural Vitamins
If you want to really pamper your skin after exfoliating, it’s going to be with an intensive moisturizer. Sure, one round of exfoliation won’t expel all the moisture from your skin, but it will feel a lot drier, as it’s a process that’s pretty harsh.
It’s a necessary process, however, as you need to get rid of the dead skin cells and so the trick is to put that moisture back. Your skin needs to remain hydrated just like the rest of your body and when you use a moisturizer rich in natural vitamins, your skin will get all the hydration it needs.
Tip #3 – Make Sure You Use Sunscreen
Something else you absolutely shouldn’t forget after using an exfoliating cleanser is to protect yourself when going out into the sun. Everyone knows that sunscreen is important before going into direct sunlight, but that counts double directly after you’ve exfoliated.
Your skin is really vulnerable directly after you’ve stripped away the dead skin, so if you go out without sunscreen, you risk undoing all your good work and open yourself up to UV-induced skin ageing.
Look After Your Skin & It Will Look After You Right Back
How you treat your skin directly after exfoliating cleanser is key to radiant-looking skin. When you use harsh treatments and products on sensitive skin, you can easily end up harming it, so if you’re going to do anything, it needs to be something that provides nourishment.
Sometimes less really is more, so just do what you need to do to make your skin feel hydrated and supple and give it time to recover. Follow the three steps listed above and you’ll provide your skin with the nourishment it deserves, rather than causing it harm. They’re what we call the three steps to radiant looking skin – although that particular phrase might already be copyrighted.
That’s it from us for now. Remember, treat your skin like a baby after exfoliating and you’ll never feel rough and raw again.