Effortless in vitro fertilization is a complex series of processes doctors use to help with infertility. The procedure involves retrieving mature eggs from a woman and combining them with sperm in an INVOcell®. The device is inserted in a woman’s vagina for fertilization. Your doctor will remove the INVOcell® after a few days, check for viable embryos, and then place the healthiest one in the uterus. Effortless IVF is the most effective type of assisted reproductive technology. Your Bedford infertility specialist can recommend this procedure if you have infertility or genetic problems. The success rate of using effortless IVF can depend on factors like age and the cause of infertility.
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What is IVF?
IVF is where doctors combine eggs and sperm in a laboratory. Once an embryo or embryos form, your doctor will place them in your uterus. IVF is a complex technique. About five percent of infertile couples use it. It is the most commonly used assisted reproductive technology in the United States.
Doctors recommend IVF if other treatment techniques like fertility drugs, artificial insemination, and surgery are ineffective. IVF can be performed using a couple’s eggs or sperm or involves eggs, sperm, or embryos from an unknown donor.
When can you use IVF?
Your doctor can recommend IVF if you or your partner has low sperm count, uterus or fallopian tube problems, ovulation issues, or poor egg quality. The genetic disease of the mother or father, antibody issues that harm sperms or eggs, the inability of sperms to penetrate or survive in the cervical mucus, and unexplained infertility can also make you seek out IVF.
What is Effortless IVF?
The traditional IVF involves doctors fertilizing the collected sperm and eggs in a petri dish, an incubator used in the IVF laboratory. Fertilization happens in the container, and your doctor waits for the embryo to reach the blastocyst to transfer it into the uterus.
On the other hand, effortless IVF involves a device known as INVOcell®, a small cylindrical tool made of plastic. Your doctor combines the sperm and eggs after egg harvest, and the provider places the device in the woman’s vagina. Unlike traditional IVF, egg fertilization and early development of the embryo happen in the woman’s body. Fertilization will occur in an environment with the correct temperature, oxygen ratios, and ph balance, increasing the success rate.
After five days, your doctor removes the INVOcell® and checks for any viable embryos. The doctor will then place back the healthiest embryo in the uterus for implantation. Doctors may freeze any additional embryos for future use. Unlike traditional IVF, effortless IVF involves fewer doctor appointments and no blood work.
What makes you a suitable candidate for effortless IVF?
Effortless IVF is fit for you if you do not live near your fertility center, have a busy job, or are looking for a more natural IVF. You can also be suitable if you have decreased sperm count or motility, unexplained infertility, or fallopian tube blockage.
Effortless is an effective form of assisted reproductive technology that involves complex procedures. It is beneficial if you have infertility issues or genetic disorders. Schedule an appointment with Kevin Doody, MD, for effortless IVF to fulfill your dream of getting kids.