An erection is kinda a big deal to give and get pleasure for many people. This can put great pressure on the sexual encounter or when your in a relationship and have Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
The problem is that people seem to overlook the fact that the erection of a penis waxes and wanes throughout sex; this means that a man can lose the erection or partially lose it and then gain it back. But sometimes, they become so fixated on the loss of erection that it prevents them further from regaining it.
In all reality, you actually do not need a hard penis to experience pleasure. A man does not need to fully erect to have pleasurable sex.
You can experience high levels of pleasure and stimulation even without an erection. For many people, this can be absolutely satisfying. Let us take a look at how sex looks like without an erection.
Table of Contents
What Is Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is commonly caused due to two reasons: psychological and physiological.
As you age, the risk of developing ED increases, but anyone can experience it. Physiological causes are commonly linked with cardiovascular disease, prostate surgery, and metabolic disorder.
It can also be caused by smoking, pelvic trauma, or medication. These underlying conditions make it very important for anyone with erectile difficulty to consult a doctor.
Psychological causes can include problems in relationships, stress, depression, and anxiety. Although you might wish to consult a doctor or other medical experts for the ED, having it does not mean you cannot have good sex.
With that being said, there are now, with our advancement with technologies, at home devices that treat erectile dysfunction, such as The Phoenix Sound Wave Device.
When you broaden your definition of sex, it will help you increase the ability to get pleasure without an erection.
Arousal is not only a physiological experience. A common misconception is that erection means sex. A man can experience an erection for many reasons than just sex. A man can feel turned on even without an erection and can also have an orgasm and ejaculation.
He just needs to feel highly stimulated and aroused and must have the motivation to achieve both or one. Here the important thing is to distinguish between orgasm and ejaculation.
A holistic sexual experience can be very pleasurable and satisfying. The sense of togetherness and intimacy can be extremely rewarding regardless of an erection. Sexuality goes far beyond 6 inches! Except for the penile penetration, everything done with an erected penis can be done with a flaccid penis.
You can play with a soft penis while using lubrication and exploring the genitals and body. Even without an erection, caressing, kissing, genital play, and oral stimulation can all be enjoyed. Foreplay can be extremely satisfying for both men and women.
When having sex with your partner, both parties have to work together. The partner may not be the cause but can definitely be part of the solution. Communication and exploration with a light-hearted approach can help you experience pleasure together.
Just remember to have fun, the mind is the most powerful organ, and skin is the largest, make the most of them and enjoy your bodies and not just the penis.
You start off well, but after a short while, the hardness is gone. This may be a sign of a mild ED, but most men do not realize that you can have intercourse still, even with a half erected penis.
It’s extremely important that you find the right angles and positions though. This goes for having sex with a fully erect penis as well. Here are 5 of the top positions to help you achieve maximum pleasure for both you and your partner.
In this position, the partner straddles you with their face facing your legs. She can bend forward or sit up straight. In the former position, you may get a nice sensation with your penis pointing down.
The unusual angle can also lead to indirect prostate stimulation. Your partner can help you stay inside by holding the shaft of the penis or squeezing the base to keep the blood in.
This position can also be satisfying for the woman as it facilitates the G zone stimulation and makes her get an orgasm.
The spooning position (where the male partner is lying behind the female and enters her from behind) does not offer too deep penetration, which actually helps you go on even if you’re not hard.
Another good thing about this position is that you both can move your bodies easily to find that angle that gives you maximum pleasure and keep the penis inside a little longer. You can experiment with your partner bending more forward or tightly pressing your legs together for a pleasurable experience.
Many men have very strong morning erections. It is worth getting up earlier on a weekday and having some fun in bed together, don’t let that erection go to waste!. Use your lazy weekend mornings to get intimate!
It has been recommended by some sexologists that men with ED should find more relaxing positions. The idea is to help the body direct and keep blood flow in the genital area while the big muscle groups are resting.
In the cross position, the man lays on his side, and the woman is lying at a 90-degree angle. A little bit of movement is required to get the right alignment and penetration, but once that is achieved, she can lay her legs behind the man’s back, and both can enjoy a slow session of sex.
And if some manual help is needed to keep the erection, she can easily reach the penis to give it a little extra love.
Doggy style is probably the most favorite position among lovers who like to go deep. When the woman is on her fours and rests her shoulders on the bed, she makes a more arched position.
The penetration is shallower, and you are in control of your penis. You can stimulate your penis to regain the erection or squeeze the base.
Very shallow intercourse can also be enjoyed by barely going in and out of her. This will give an extra sensation to the most sensitive part of your penis, the glans, and the frenulum.
This ancient position helps to build intimacy and enjoy sex with a weak erection. To achieve the alignment, the man sits cross-legged, and the woman straddles him with her legs wrapped around his hips. Using meditation pillows or blankets can help you get more comfortable in this position.
This is a great position to try something different and become more intimate in bed.
Treating Erectile Dysfunction
Although these positions and tips are great at helping you continue to enjoy intimacy with your partner, treating your ED should be your priority. Thankfully we now have devices such as The Phoenix that can treat ED from the comfort and privacy of your home.
The device uses sound wave therapy to help increase blood flow and remove plaque build up in your penis. It doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription and doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg!
There have been many reviews for the Phoenix that show amazing results and satisfaction from men who have experienced ED.
Intimacy With Erectile Dysfunction
If you have or experience a form of mild erectile dysfunction, make sure to use all of the tips we went over in this article. By simply implementing these, you’ll still be able to enjoy intimacy with your partner.
Just remember that you should also focus on effectively treating your ED as well, using devices such as The Phoenix can help you regain a rock hard erection without having to go to the doctor and dish out thousands of dollars!
Let us know in the comments if this article has helped you or if you have further tips for helping men who experience a form of mild ED.
Writer Bio:
BDE Style is your big brother that knows the answers to: treatment for erectile dysfunction with The Phoenix device, how penis enlargement works and what are good male enhancement tips and techniques every man should know.
We want to share Big Dick Energy with everyone. BDE Style is for Men and women from all walks of life and they can all use this energy to enhance their relationships, sex lives and be better human beings.