Hair fall is a very messy problem that affects every one of us. There are many hair care products like Beardo, which offer many discount coupons which help you get the most sought after hair care products quickly. These products are used by many to treat hair problems like hair loss.
Although it is reasonable to lose a little bit of hair, the problem starts arising when you start losing hair more than usual, and they do not seem to grow back at all. Many people get sleepless nights because of this, and usually, they fear the same thing, that is balding. The fears can be averted if one can follow some very simple remedies to treat and take care of hair loss and reduce the number of problems that one’s hair face
We have listed some very easy remedies that you too can follow to take care of your hair and their health and nourishment to prevent hair fall. Let us have a look at these.
Table of Contents
Steps To Keep Hair Healthy
Let us first look at some of the steps that we can follow in order to ensure that we keep our hair healthy and nourished. These steps are very simple, and these are perhaps some of the very common and easy methods to prevent hair loss.
1. Select the right shampoo
This is perhaps one of the most essential and vital things to take care of when it comes to hair care. Always make sure to select the right shampoo which suits your scalp. Also, washing hair should be done according to your scalp. You should avoid over washing hair with dry scalp and at the same time wash oily hair, thrice a week is possible, to avoid hair loss problems.
Furthermore, ensure that the shampoo you are currently using does not contain too many chemicals such as silicone, paraben or sulfate, which tends to make your hair brittle and prone to breakage.
2. Use Conditioner properly
Conditioners are mostly used by people to keep hair smooth, but apart from that, they also have a different purpose. They contain amino acids that help in repairing damaged hair. Using conditioners is good, but at the same time, ensure that whatever conditioner you purchase for yourself does not contain too many chemicals that can damage your hair.
3. Oiling of Hair
Applying the oil is one of the oldest methods of hair care. There are many different types of oils that are used. Applying oil helps in improving the blood circulation around the roots and also helps in nourishment. It helps in passing vital nutrients to the hair to keep them healthy.
You can apply oil on a regular basis and massage your scalp with any suitable oils. After a duration of one or two hours, you can wash it off with any mild shampoo.
4. Hair Treatments
Hair treatments are a bit harsh to your hair. For instance, colouring, straightening and perming are definitely not too good. Using curling irons, blow dryers, and other products like these have an adverse effect on your hair and make them brittle. If you really want to use these products, then you can try using them less often or maybe use them at their lowest setting.
To minimise the effects of these products, you can start by using a fortifying hair conditioner and then finish off with a protective spray.
Some Natural Remedies To Prevent Hair Loss
Apart from the usual remedies mentioned above, you can also opt for natural remedies that you can try out at your homes very easily by yourself. These are some very simple methods that you can follow easily with the help of the products and items that are available inside your houses or nearest stores. Let us explore these methods, as well.
1. Diet and Exercise
By consuming the right nutrients, you ensure that your hair stays healthy and nourished. Maintaining a proper and balanced diet is necessary, especially iron and proteins which help in repairing damaged hair and stimulating hair growth.
Apart from that, the right form of exercise is also necessary to keep yourself active and fit. This also has a direct effect on the health of your hair, and you will see a significant improvement in hair health if you exercise often.
3. Applying Amla Hair Pack
Amla is also known as the Indian Gooseberry. It is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which is beneficial in strengthening hair follicles. Deficiency of Vitamin C leads to many hair problems, and if you consume it in good numbers, then you can see a visible change in your hair health.
Apart from that, Amla can also be used to make a paste with Lime juice which can be applied to your scalp. It is a great way to promote faster hair growth and prevent greying, as well.
3. Use Onion Oils
There are many hair care products nowadays that come with Onion concentrate oils. The reason for this is that Onion contains a large amount of Sulphur, Vitamin B, C and E, which are very useful in keeping hair thick, long and shiny. It also has antibacterial properties that are very useful and beneficial. Onion oils also help promote hair growth and reduce the impact of hair loss.
4. Applying Coconut Milk
Coconut is one of the most popular natural remedies when it comes to hair care. Many people use coconut oil regularly to keep hair healthy and nourished. In the same way, one can also use Coconut milk to stop hair thinning and promote hair growth. You can either apply fresh coconut milk directly to your scalp or add to it crushed black pepper and fenugreek seeds and then apply.
These were some of the remedies that you can make use of if you want to prevent hair fall and improve the growth and health of hair. The methods mentioned here are very useful, and after regular use, you will definitely notice improvement. Moreover, these are natural methods and do not pose any harm to your hair in contrast to chemical methods that do cause problems many times.