When one tries to log into mywifiext website, it is possible that one sees an error message. This is because the computer is not linked to the NETGEAR range extender. The URL www.Mywifiext.net you type is not a regular website but the local web address that will open the page of the NETGEAR range extender and show you the settings. You can gain access to the web address by first connecting your computer to the Netgear device using an ethernet cable. One may also connect it wirelessly using the Wi-Fi network.
First check the web address
If you see any error message, it is possible that you have typed in the wrong address. Check the web address in the web browser first. If you make a typing mistake, there is a possibility that you are at a fraudulent website that is trying to steal your login credentials. Or, it may ask you money on some pretext or the other. NETGEAR will never ask you for money or ask you for your credentials. That said, you can proceed with troubleshooting by checking whether your internet connection is working and alive.
Troubleshoot mywifiext errors
- Bring the wireless router and the range extender to the same room so they are near each other. This will help you to complete the setup after which you can move the extender to the room where it should be.
- Connect the NETGEAR wireless range extender to a power outlet. When there is a proper connection to the power outlet, we see the LED goes on.
- On the range extender, you see a PC to Extender button and an Extender to Device button. Press on the PC to Extender button and wait for a few seconds.
- If the LED does not glow, you have to check the connections again. Now, move your extender closer to the Device if that bulb is not glowing. If the other LED is not glowing, move the Extender closer to the PC. Make sure both the lights are glowing before proceeding to the next step.
- Enter the default address of the Extender in the web browser search bar.
- If there is no connection, remove all the plugs and cables and reset your browser. Clear the cache and cookies and restart your browser. You could also use a different browser if you think that is the problem.
- Make sure you have connected the PC to the extender securely using an Ethernet cable.
- Assign a static IP address to your computer. But, before you do anything make a note of your current Default Gateway. In the Mac computer, this is given as the Router Address. Now, use IP Address and subnet mask